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XLA custom callslink

This document describes how to write and use XLA "custom calls". Custom calls let you invoke code written in a programming language like C++ or CUDA from an XLA program.


Custom calls are a low-level power-user feature. It is easy to break your program in difficult-to-debug (and even difficult-to-notice) ways using custom-calls. You shouldn't use custom calls unless you're prepared to debug XLA yourself when something goes wrong, and you should expect relatively less assistance from XLA developers if you run into trouble.


The custom-call API/ABI is not currently stable. We don't intend to change it capriciously, but it may change. Some possible future changes are described below.

Custom-call on CPUlink

You can create an HLO instruction which represents a custom-call via XLA's client API. For example, the following code uses a custom-call to compute A[i] = B[i % 128]+ C[i] on the CPU. (Of course you could -- and should! -- do this with regular HLO.)

#include "xla/client/xla_builder.h"
#include "xla/service/custom_call_target_registry.h"

void do_it() {
  xla::XlaBuilder b("do_it");
  xla::XlaOp param0 =
      xla::Parameter(&b, 0, xla::ShapeUtil::MakeShape(xla::F32, {128}), "p0");
  xla::XlaOp param1 =
      xla::Parameter(&b, 1, xla::ShapeUtil::MakeShape(xla::F32, {2048}), "p1");
  xla::XlaOp custom_call =
      xla::CustomCall(&b, "do_custom_call", /*operands=*/{param0, param1},
                      /*shape=*/xla::ShapeUtil::MakeShape(xla::F32, {2048}));

void do_custom_call(void* out, const void** in) {
  float* out_buf = reinterpret_cast<float*>(out);
  const float* in0 = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(in[0]);
  const float* in1 = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(in[1]);
  for (int i = 0; i < 2048; ++i) {
    out_buf[i] = in0[i % 128] + in1[i];
XLA_REGISTER_CUSTOM_CALL_TARGET(do_custom_call, "Host");

Notice that the function do_custom_call needs to know the dimensions of the buffers it operates over. In this example we hardcode the sizes 128 and 2048. If you don't want to do this, you can pass the dimensions in as parameters to the call.

Custom-call on GPUlink

The GPU custom call framework is somewhat different than that on the CPU. Here is a CUDA example that does the same A[i] = B[i % 128] + C[i] computation as the CPU code above.

void do_it() { /* same implementation as above */ }

__global__ custom_call_kernel(const float* in0, const float* in1, float* out) {
  size_t idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  out[idx] = in0[idx % 128] + in1[idx];

void do_custom_call(CUstream stream, void** buffers,
                    const char* opaque, size_t opaque_len) {
  const float* in0 = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(buffers[0]);
  const float* in1 = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(buffers[1]);
  float* out = reinterpret_cast<float*>(buffers[2]);

  const int64_t block_dim = 64;
  const int64_t grid_dim = 2048 / block_dim;
  custom_call_kernel<<<grid_dim, block_dim,
                       /*dynamic_shared_mem_bytes=*/0, stream>>>(in0, in1, out);

Notice first that the GPU custom call function is still a function executed on the CPU. Our do_custom_call CPU function is responsible for enqueueing work on the GPU. Here it launches a CUDA kernel, but it could also do something else, like call cublas.

buffers is an array of pointers which lives on the host, and each element it contains points to device (i.e. GPU) memory. The parameters come first, followed by the output value. This is notably different from the CPU calling convention, which has two params, ins and out. The main reason we diverge is to make it possible to handle tuple-shaped inputs/outputs efficiently; see the section below.

As in the CPU example, we've hardcoded the input and output buffer sizes into our custom call. However unlike in the CPU case, passing the buffer sizes in as operands to the custom call would not work well. Usually we need the buffer sizes available to us on the CPU; e.g. when launching a kernel, we need to know the block/grid dimensions to use. But if we were to pass the buffer sizes as operands to our custom call, their values would live in GPU memory. We'd then have to do an expensive synchronous device-to-host memcpy at the start of our operation just to read the sizes.

To let you work around this, we provide the opaque parameter. You can set this to an arbitrary string of bytes when you create the custom call:

std::string opaque = "...";
xla::CustomCall(&b, "do_custom_call", /*operands=*/{param0, param1},
                /*output_shape=*/xla::ShapeUtil::MakeShape(xla::F32, {2048}),

Since xla::Shape has a protocol buffer representation, you could store this serialized proto inside of opaque and deserialize it within your GPU custom-call. Note however that although xla::ShapeProto does not change frequently, it does change. Check the git log to see how it has changed in the past.

Signalling an errorlink

If your custom call encounters an error, you can signal the error to the XLA runtime (instead of e.g. crashing or returning nonsense in the output buffers) by using the following signature for your function on CPU:

#include "xla/service/custom_call_status.h"

void do_custom_call(void* out, const void** in, XlaCustomCallStatus* status);

... and on GPU:

#include "xla/service/custom_call_status.h"

void do_custom_call(CUstream stream, void** buffers, const char* opaque,
                    size_t opaque_len, xla::XlaCustomCallStatus* status);

You can signal failure by using XlaCustomCallStatusSetFailure, e.g.:

void do_custom_call(void* out, const void** in, XlaCustomCallStatus* status) {
  // ... do some work.

  if (bad_condition) {
    char* error_message = "An error occurred";
    XlaCustomCallStatusSetFailure(status, error_message, strlen(error_message));

  // ... continue.

You can also use XlaCustomCallStatusSetSuccess to indicate success, but the XlaCustomCallStatus is in a success state by default, so ignoring it completely will also indicate success.

When using custom call functions with this signature, you must create the corresponding custom-call op with the appropriate API version set, e.g.:

xla::CustomCall(&b, "do_custom_call", /*operands=*/{param0, param1},
                /*output_shape=*/xla::ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {2048}),
                opaque, /*has_side_effect=*/false,
                /*output_operand_aliasing=*/{}, /*literal=*/nullptr,


In the future, all clients will be required to migrate their custom call functions to the new API version and the old one will be deprecated. For custom calls that can't fail, you can simply add the new XlaCustomCallStatus* parameter and then ignore it.

On failure, none of the custom call outputs will be used; the XLA runtime will terminate the computation. It is not possible for an HLO computation to recover from the error (e.g. by catching and handling it).

Passing tuples to custom-callslink

Consider the following custom-call.

using xla::ShapeUtil;
using xla::F32;
Shape p0_shape = ShapeUtil::MakeTuple({
    ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {32}),
        ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {64}),
        ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {128}),
    ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {256}),
xla::XlaOp p0 = xla::Parameter(0, p0_shape, "p0");

Shape out_shape = ShapeUtil::MakeTuple({
  ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {512}),
  ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {1024}),
xla::CustomCall(&b, "do_custom_call", /*operands=*/{p0}, out_shape);

On both CPU and GPU, a tuple is represented in memory as an array of pointers. In C++-pseudocode, parameter 0 above is laid out as follows.

// In-memory layout of parameter 0 from custom-call above.  True on both CPU
// and GPU.
float* subbuf0 = new float[32];
float* subbuf1 = new float[64];
float* subbuf2 = new float[128]
float* subbuf3 = new float[256];

void* subtuple = new void*[2];
(*subtuple)[0] = subbuf1;
(*subtuple)[1] = subbuf2;

void* p0 = new void*[3];
(*p0)[0] = subbuf0;
(*p0)[1] = subtuple;
(*p0)[2] = subbuf3;

Although the in-memory representation of tuples is the same in CPU and GPU, they are handled differently in the CPU and GPU custom-call calling conventions.

Tuple outputs as temp bufferslink

Tuple inputs to custom-calls are a convenience, but they aren't strictly necessary. If we didn't support tuple inputs to custom calls, you could always unpack the tuples using get-tuple-element before passing them to the custom call.

On the other hand, tuple outputs do let you do things you couldn't otherwise.

The obvious reason to have tuple outputs is, that's how a custom call (or any other XLA op) returns multiple independent arrays.

But less obviously, a tuple output is also a way to give your custom call temp memory. Yes, an output can represent a temp buffer. Consider, an output buffer has the property that the op can write to it, and it can read from it after it's been written to. That's exactly what you want from a temp buffer.

In the example above, suppose we wanted to use the F32[1024] as a temp buffer. Then we'd write the HLO just as above, and we'd simply never read tuple index 1 of the custom call's output.

Tuples in CPU custom-callslink

In CPU code, we have a function do_custom_call(const void** ins, void* out). ins is an array with just one element, which points to param0. The subbuffers of param0 are accessible by dereferencing that pointer, and the subbuffers of output_tuple are accessible by dereferencing out.

Tuples in GPU custom-callslink

In GPU code, we have a function do_custom_call(..., void** buffers, ...). In this case buffers is a host array of six device pointers, one for each leaf buffer in the input/output. To generate the flat list, we iterate over the parameters and output, and for each we do a preorder traversal of its shape. Concretely:

// Layout of `buffers` parameter to GPU custom call function for custom-call
// above.
buffers[0] == subbuf0
buffers[1] == subbuf1
buffers[2] == subbuf2
buffers[3] == subbuf3
buffers[4] == output_subbuf0
buffers[5] == output_subbuf1

Last update: February 7, 2023
Created: January 9, 2023