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StableHLO Specificationlink

StableHLO is an operation set for high-level operations (HLO) in machine learning (ML) models. StableHLO works as a portability layer between different ML frameworks and ML compilers: ML frameworks that produce StableHLO programs are compatible with ML compilers that consume StableHLO programs.

Our goal is to simplify and accelerate ML development by creating more interoperability between various ML frameworks (such as TensorFlow, JAX and PyTorch) and ML compilers (such as XLA and IREE). Towards that end, this document provides a specification for the StableHLO programming language.

This specification contains three major sections. First, the "Programs" section describes the structure of StableHLO programs which consist of StableHLO functions which themselves consist of StableHLO ops. Within that structure, the "Ops" section specifies semantics of individual ops. Finally, the "Execution" section provides semantics for all these ops executing together within a program.


Program ::= {Func}

StableHLO programs consist of an arbitrary number of StableHLO functions. Below is an example program with a function @main which has 3 inputs (%image, %weights and %bias) and 1 output. The body of the function has 6 ops.

stablehlo.func @main(
  %image: tensor<28x28xf32>,
  %weights: tensor<784x10xf32>,
  %bias: tensor<1x10xf32>
) -> tensor<1x10xf32> {
  %0 = "stablehlo.reshape"(%image) : (tensor<28x28xf32>) -> tensor<1x784xf32>
  %1 = ""(%0, %weights) : (tensor<1x784xf32>, tensor<784x10xf32>) -> tensor<1x10xf32>
  %2 = "stablehlo.add"(%1, %bias) : (tensor<1x10xf32>, tensor<1x10xf32>) -> tensor<1x10xf32>
  %3 = "stablehlo.constant"() { value = dense<0.0> : tensor<1x10xf32> } : () -> tensor<1x10xf32>
  %4 = "stablehlo.maximum"(%2, %3) : (tensor<1x10xf32>, tensor<1x10xf32>) -> tensor<1x10xf32>
  "stablehlo.return"(%4): (tensor<1x10xf32>) -> ()


Func        ::= 'stablehlo' '.' 'func' FuncId FuncInputs FuncOutputs '{' FuncBody '}'
FuncInputs  ::= '(' [FuncInput {',' FuncInput}] `)`
FuncInput   ::= '%' ValueId ':' ValueType
FuncOutputs ::= ['->' FuncOutput, {',' FuncOutput}]
FuncOutput  ::= ValueType
FuncBody    ::= {Op}

StableHLO functions (which are also called named functions) have an identifier, inputs/outputs and a body. In the future, we are planning to introduce additional metadata for functions to achieve better compatibility with HLO (#425).


FuncId  ::= '@' letter {letter | digit}
ValueId ::= '%' digit {digit}
          | '%' letter {letter | digit}
letter  ::= 'a' | ... | 'z' | 'A' | ... | 'Z' | '_'
digit   ::= '0' | ... | '9'

StableHLO identifiers are similar to identifiers in many programming languages, with two peculiarities: 1) all identifiers have sigils which distinguish different kinds of identifiers, 2) value identifiers can be completely numeric to simplify generation of StableHLO programs.


Type         ::= ValueType | NonValueType
ValueType    ::= TensorType | TokenType | TupleType
NonValueType ::= ElementType | FunctionType | StringType

StableHLO types are categorized into value types (which are also called first-class types) which represent StableHLO values and non-value types which describe other program elements. StableHLO types are similar to types in many programming languages, with the main peculiarity being StableHLO's domain-specific nature which results in some unusual outcomes (e.g. scalar types are not value types).

TensorType    ::= 'tensor' '<' TensorShape ElementType '>'
TensorShape   ::= {DimensionSize 'x'}
DimensionSize ::= digit {digit}

Tensor types represent tensors, i.e. multidimensional arrays. They have a shape and an element type, where a shape represents non-negative dimension sizes in the ascending order of the corresponding dimensions (which are also called axes) numbered from 0 to R-1. The number of dimensions R is called rank. For example, tensor<2x3xf32> is a tensor type with shape 2x3 and element type f32. It has two dimensions (or, in other words, two axes) - 0th dimension and 1st dimension - whose sizes are 2 and 3. Its rank is 2.

TokenType ::= 'token'

Token types represent tokens, i.e. opaque values produced and consumed by some operations. Tokens are used for imposing execution order on operations as described in the "Execution" section.

TupleType ::= 'tuple' '<' [ValueType {',' ValueType}] '>'

Tuple types represent tuples, i.e. heterogeneous lists. Tuples are a legacy feature which only exists for compatibility with HLO. In HLO, tuples are used to represent variadic inputs and outputs. In StableHLO, variadic inputs and outputs are supported natively, and the only use of tuples in StableHLO is to comprehensively represent HLO ABI where e.g. T, tuple<T> and tuple<tuple<T>> may be materially different depending on a particular implementation.

ElementType ::= BooleanType | IntegerType | FloatType | ComplexType
BooleanType ::= 'i1'
IntegerType ::= 'si4' | 'si8' | 'si16' | 'si32' | 'si64'
              | 'ui4' | 'ui8' | 'ui16' | 'ui32' | 'ui64'
FloatType   ::= 'f8E4M3FN' | 'f8E5M2' | 'bf16' | 'f16' | 'f32' | 'f64'
ComplexType ::= 'complex' '<' ('f32' | 'f64') '>'

Element types represent elements of tensor types. Unlike in many programming languages, these types are not first class in StableHLO. This means that StableHLO programs cannot directly represent values of these types (as a result, it is idiomatic to represent scalar values of type T with 0-dimensional tensor values of type tensor<T>).

  • Boolean type represents boolean values true and false.
  • Integer types can be either signed (si) or unsigned (ui) and have one of the supported bit widths (4, 8, 16, 32 or 64). Signed siN types represent integer values from -2^(N-1) to 2^(N-1)-1 inclusive, and unsigned uiN types represent integer values from 0 to 2^N-1 inclusive.
  • Floating-point types can be one of the following:
  • f8E4M3FN and f8E5M2 types corresponding to respectively the E4M3 and E5M2 encodings of the FP8 format described in FP8 Formats for Deep Learning.
  • bf16 type corresponding to the bfloat16 format described in BFloat16: The secret to high performance on Cloud TPUs.
  • f16, f32 and f64 types corresponding to respectively binary16 ("half precision"), binary32 ("single precision") and binary64 ("double precision") formats described in the IEEE 754 standard.
  • Complex types represent complex values that have a real part and an imaginary part of the same element type. Supported complex types are complex<f32> (both parts are of type f32) and complex<f64> (both parts are of type f64).
FunctionType ::= '(' [ValueType {',' ValueType}] ')' '->' '(' [ValueType {',' ValueType}] ')'

Function types represent both named and anonymous functions. They have input types (the list of types on the left-hand side of ->) and output types (the list of types on the right-hand side of ->). In many programming languages, function types are first class, but not in StableHLO.

StringType ::= 'string'

String type represents sequences of bytes. Unlike in many programming languages, string type is not first class in StableHLO and is only used to specify static metadata for program elements.


StableHLO operations (which are also called ops) represent a closed set of high-level operations in machine learning models. As discussed above, StableHLO syntax is heavily inspired by MLIR, which is not necessarily the most ergonomic alternative, but is arguably the best fit for StableHLO's goal of creating more interoperability between ML frameworks and ML compilers.

Op            ::= [OpOutputs] OpName OpInputs ':' OpSignature
OpName        ::= '"' 'stablehlo' '.' OpMnemonic '"'
OpMnemonic    ::= 'abs' | 'add' | ...

StableHLO operations (which are also called ops) have a name, inputs/outputs and a signature. The name consists of the stablehlo. prefix and a mnemonic which uniquely identifies one of the supported ops. See below for a comprehensive list of all supported ops.

OpInputs        ::= OpInputValues OpInputFuncs OpInputAttrs
OpInputValues   ::= '(' [OpInputValue {',' OpInputValue}] ')'
OpInputValue    ::= ValueId
OpInputFuncs    ::= ['(' OpInputFunc {',' OpInputFunc} ')']
OpInputAttrs    ::= ['{' OpInputAttr {',' OpInputAttr} '}']
OpOutputs       ::= [OpOutput {',' OpOutput} '=']
OpOutput        ::= ValueId

Ops consume inputs and produce outputs. Inputs are categorized into input values (computed during execution), input functions (provided statically, because in StableHLO functions are not first-class values) and input attributes (also provided statically). The kind of inputs and outputs consumed and produced by an op depends on its mnemonic. For example, the add op consumes 2 input values and produces 1 output value. In comparison, the select_and_scatter op consumes 3 input values, 2 input functions and 3 input attributes.

OpInputFunc ::= '{' Unused FuncInputs ':' FuncBody '}'
Unused      ::= '^' digit {digit}
              | '^' letter {letter | digit}

Input functions (which are also called anonymous functions) are very similar to named functions except that: 1) they don't have an identifier (hence the name "anonymous"), 2) they don't declare output types (output types are inferred from the return op within the function).

The syntax for input functions includes a currently unused part (see the Unused production above) which is there for compatibility with MLIR. In MLIR, there is a more general concept of "regions" which can have multiple "blocks" of ops connected together via jump ops. These blocks have ids which correspond to the Unused production, so that they can be distinguished from each other. StableHLO doesn't have jump ops, so the corresponding part of MLIR syntax is unused (but is still there).

OpInputAttr      ::= OpInputAttrName '=' OpInputAttrValue
OpInputAttrName  ::= letter {letter | digit}
OpInputAttrValue ::= Constant

Input attributes have a name and a value which is one of the supported constants. They are the primary way to specify static metadata for program elements. For example, the concatenate op uses the attribute dimension to specify the dimension along which its input values are concatenated. Similarly, the slice op uses multiple attributes like start_indices and limit_indices to specify the bounds that are used to slice the input value.

OpSignature ::= '(' [ValueType {',' ValueType}] ')' '->' '(' [ValueType {',' ValueType}] ')'

Op signature consists of the types of all input values (the list of types on the left-hand side of ->) and the types of all output values (the list of types on the right-hand side of ->). Strictly speaking, input types are redundant, and output types are almost always redundant as well (because for most StableHLO ops, output types can be inferred from inputs). Nonetheless, op signature is deliberately part of StableHLO syntax for compatibility with MLIR.

Below is an example op whose mnemonic is select_and_scatter. It consumes 3 input values (%operand, %source and %init_value), 2 input functions and 3 input attributes (window_dimensions, window_strides and padding). Note how the signature of the op only includes the types of its input values (but not the types of input functions and attributes which are provided inline).

%result = "stablehlo.select_and_scatter"(%operand, %source, %init_value) ({
  ^bb0(%arg0: tensor<i32>, %arg1: tensor<i32>):
    %0 = ""(%arg0, %arg1) {
      comparison_direction = #stablehlo<comparison_direction GE>
    } : (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<i1>
    "stablehlo.return"(%0) : (tensor<i1>) -> ()
}, {
  ^bb0(%arg0: tensor<i32>, %arg1: tensor<i32>):
    %0 = "stablehlo.add"(%arg0, %arg1) : (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<i32>
    "stablehlo.return"(%0) : (tensor<i32>) -> ()
}) {
  window_dimensions = dense<[3, 1]> : tensor<2xi64>,
  window_strides = dense<[2, 1]> : tensor<2xi64>,
  padding = dense<[[0, 1], [0, 0]]> : tensor<2x2xi64>
} : (tensor<4x2xi32>, tensor<2x2xi32>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<4x2xi32>


Constant ::= BooleanConstant
           | IntegerConstant
           | FloatConstant
           | ComplexConstant
           | TensorConstant
           | StringConstant
           | EnumConstant

StableHLO constants have a literal and a type which together represent a StableHLO value. Generally, the type is part of the constant syntax, except when it's unambiguous (e.g. a boolean constant unambiguously has type i1, whereas an integer constant can have multiple possible types).

BooleanConstant ::= BooleanLiteral
BooleanLiteral  ::= 'true' | 'false'

Boolean constants represent boolean values true and false. Boolean constants have type i1.

IntegerConstant   ::= IntegerLiteral ':' IntegerType
IntegerLiteral    ::= ['-' | '+'] DecimalDigits
                    | ['-' | '+'] '0x' HexadecimalDigits
DecimalDigits     ::= decimalDigit {decimalDigit}
HexadecimalDigits ::= hexadecimalDigit {hexadecimalDigit}
decimalDigit      ::= '0' | ... | '9'
hexadecimalDigit  ::= decimalDigit | 'a' | ... | 'f' | 'A' | ... | 'F'

Integer constants represent integer values via strings that use decimal or hexadecimal notation. Other bases, e.g. binary or octal, are not supported. Integer constants have the following constraints:

  • (C1) is_wellformed(literal, type), i.e. literal can be parsed as a value of type type.
FloatConstant  ::= FloatLiteral ':' FloatType
FloatLiteral   ::= SignPart IntegerPart FractionalPart ScientificPart
                 | '0x' [HexadecimalDigits]
SignPart       ::= ['-' | '+']
IntegerPart    ::= DecimalDigits
FractionalPart ::= ['.' [DecimalDigits]]
ScientificPart ::= [('e' | 'E') ['-' | '+'] DecimalDigits]

Floating-point constants represent floating-point values via strings that use decimal or scientific notation. Additionally, hexadecimal notation can be used to directly specify the underlying bits in the floating-point format of the corresponding type. Floating-point constants have the following constraints:

  • (C1) If non-hexadecimal notation is used, is_wellformed(literal, type).
  • (C2) If hexadecimal notation is used, size(literal) = num_bits(type) / 4 + 2.
ComplexConstant      ::= ComplexLiteral ':' ComplexType
ComplexLiteral       ::= '(' ComplexRealPart ',' ComplexImaginaryPart ')'
ComplexRealPart      ::= FloatLiteral
ComplexImaginaryPart ::= FloatLiteral

Complex constants represent complex values using lists of a real part (comes first) and an imaginary part (comes second). For example, (1.0, 0.0) : complex<f32> represents 1.0 + 0.0i, and (0.0, 1.0) : complex<f32> represents 0.0 + 1.0i. The order in which these parts are then stored in memory is implementation-defined. Complex constants have the following constraints:

  • (C1) is_wellformed(literal[:], element_type(type)).
TensorConstant ::= TensorLiteral ':' TensorType
TensorLiteral  ::= 'dense' '<' (DenseLiteral | ElementLiteral) '>'
DenseLiteral   ::= DenseDimension | DenseElements
DenseDimension ::= '[' [DenseLiteral {',' DenseLiteral}] ']'
DenseElements  ::= [ElementLiteral {',' ElementLiteral}]
ElementLiteral ::= BooleanLiteral | IntegerLiteral | FloatLiteral | ComplexLiteral

Tensor constants represent tensor values using nested lists specified via NumPy notation. For example, dense<[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]> : tensor<2x3xi32> represents a tensor value with the following mapping from indices to elements: {0, 0} => 1, {0, 1} => 2, {0, 2} => 3, {1, 0} => 4, {1, 1} => 5, {1, 2} => 6. The order in which these elements are then stored in memory is implementation-defined. Tensor constants have the following constraints:

  • (C1) is_wellformed(element, element_type(type)) for all element in literal.
  • (C2) has_shape(literal, shape(type)), where:
  • has_shape(literal: String, []) = true.
  • has_shape(literal: List, shape) = size(literal) == shape[0] and all(has_shape(literal[:], shape[1:])).
  • otherwise, false.
StringConstant  ::= StringLiteral
StringLiteral   ::= '"' {stringCharacter | escapeSequence} '"'
stringCharacter ::= all ASCII characters except '\00', '\01', ... '\1f' and '"'
escapeSequence  ::= '\' ('"' | '\' | 'n' | 't' | (hexadecimalDigit hexadecimalDigit))

String literals consist of bytes specified using ASCII characters and escape sequences. They are encoding-agnostic, so the interpretation of these bytes is implementation-defined. String literals have type string.




Performs element-wise abs operation on operand tensor and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For signed integers: integer modulus.
  • For floats: abs from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: complex modulus.


Name Type
operand tensor of signed integer, floating-point, or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of signed integer, floating-point, or complex type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same shape.
  • (C2) operand and result have the same element type, except when the element type of the operand is complex type, in which case the element type of the result is the element type of the complex type (e.g. the element type of the result is f64 for operand type complex<f64>).


// %operand: [-2, 0, 2]
%result = "stablehlo.abs"(%operand) : (tensor<3xi32>) -> tensor<3xi32>
// %result: [2, 0, 2]



Performs element-wise addition of two tensors lhs and rhs and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For booleans: logical OR.
  • For integers: integer addition.
  • For floats: addition from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: complex addition.


Name Type
lhs tensor
rhs tensor


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) lhs, rhs and result have the same type.


// %lhs: [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
// %rhs: [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
%result = "stablehlo.add"(%lhs, %rhs) : (tensor<2x2xi32>, tensor<2x2xi32>) -> tensor<2x2xi32>
// %result: [[6, 8], [10, 12]]

 More Examples



Ensures that the operations producing the inputs are executed before any operations that depend on result. Execution of this operation does nothing, it only exists to establish data dependencies from result to inputs.


Name Type
inputs variadic number of token


Name Type
result token


%result = "stablehlo.after_all"(%input0, %input1) : (!stablehlo.token, !stablehlo.token) -> !stablehlo.token



Within each process group in the StableHLO process grid, concatenates the values of the operand tensor from each process along all_gather_dim and produces a result tensor.

The operation splits the StableHLO process grid into process_groups as follows:

  • channel_id <= 0 and use_global_device_ids = false, cross_replica(replica_groups).
  • channel_id > 0 and use_global_device_ids = false, cross_replica_and_partition(replica_groups).
  • channel_id > 0 and use_global_device_ids = true, flattened_ids(replica_groups).

Afterwards, within each process_group:

  • operands@receiver = [operand@sender for sender in process_group] for all receiver in process_group.
  • result@process = concatenate(operands@process, all_gather_dim) for all process in process_group.


Name Type
operand tensor
all_gather_dim constant of type si64
replica_groups 2-dimensional tensor constant of type si64
channel_id constant of type si64
use_global_device_ids constant of type i1


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) all_gather_dim \(\in\) [0, rank(operand)).
  • (C2) All values in replica_groups are unique.
  • (C3) size(replica_groups) depends on the process grouping strategy:
  • If cross_replica, num_replicas.
  • If cross_replica_and_partition, num_replicas.
  • If flattened_ids, num_processes.
  • (C4) \(0 \le\) replica_groups[i] \(\lt\) size(replica_groups) \(\forall i\) in indices(replica_groups).
  • (C5) If use_global_device_ids = true, then channel_id > 0. todo
  • (C6)type(result) = type(operand) except:
  • dim(result, all_gather_dim) = dim(operand, all_gather_dim) * dim(process_groups, 1).


// num_replicas: 2
// num_partitions: 1
// %operand@(0, 0): [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]
// %operand@(1, 0): [[5.0, 6.0], [7.0, 8.0]]
%result = "stablehlo.all_gather"(%operand) {
  all_gather_dim = 1 : i64,
  replica_groups = dense<[[0, 1]]> : tensor<1x2xi64>,
  // channel_id = 0
  channel_handle = #stablehlo.channel_handle<handle = 0, type = 0>
  // use_global_device_ids = false
} : (tensor<2x2xf32>) -> tensor<2x4xf32>
// %result@(0, 0): [[1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 6.0], [3.0, 4.0, 7.0, 8.0]]
// %result@(1, 0): [[1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 6.0], [3.0, 4.0, 7.0, 8.0]]



Within each process group in the StableHLO process grid, applies a reduction function computation to the values of the operand tensor from each process and produces a result tensor.

The operation splits the StableHLO process grid into process groups as follows:

  • channel_id <= 0 and use_global_device_ids = false, cross_replica(replica_groups).
  • channel_id > 0 and use_global_device_ids = false, cross_replica_and_partition(replica_groups).
  • channel_id > 0 and use_global_device_ids = true, flattened_ids(replica_groups).

Afterwards, within each process_group:

  • operands@receiver = [operand@sender for sender in process_group] for all receiver in process_group.
result@process[i0, i1, ..., iR-1] =
      inputs=operands@process[:][i0, i1, ..., iR-1],

where reduce_without_init works exactly like reduce, except that its schedule doesn't include init values.


Name Type
operand tensor
replica_groups variadic number of 1-dimensional tensor constants of type si64
channel_id constant of type si64
use_global_device_ids constant of type i1
computation function


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) All values in replica_groups are unique.
  • (C2) size(replica_groups) depends on the process grouping strategy:
  • If cross_replica, num_replicas.
  • If cross_replica_and_partition, num_replicas.
  • If flattened_ids, num_processes.
  • (C3) \(0 \le\) replica_groups[i] \(\lt\) size(replica_groups) \(\forall i\) in indices(replica_groups).
  • (C4) If use_global_device_ids = true, then channel_id > 0. todo
  • (C5) computation has type (tensor<E>, tensor<E>) -> (tensor<E>) where E = element_type(operand).
  • (C6) type(result) \(=\) type(operand).


// num_replicas: 2
// num_partitions: 1
// %operand@(0, 0): [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
// %operand@(1, 0): [5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]
%result = "stablehlo.all_reduce"(%operand) ({
  ^bb0(%arg0: tensor<f32>, %arg1: tensor<f32>):
    %0 = "stablehlo.add"(%arg0, %arg1) : (tensor<f32>, tensor<f32>) -> tensor<f32>
    "stablehlo.return"(%0) : (tensor<f32>) -> ()
}) {
  replica_groups = dense<[[0, 1]]> : tensor<1x2xi64>,
  // channel_id = 0
  channel_handle = #stablehlo.channel_handle<handle = 0, type = 0>
  // use_global_device_ids = false
} : (tensor<4xf32>) -> tensor<4xf32>
// %result@(0, 0): [6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0]
// %result@(1, 0): [6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0]



Within each process group in the StableHLO process grid, splits the values of the operand tensor along split_dimension into parts, scatters the split parts between the processes, concatenates the scattered parts along concat_dimension and produces a result tensor.

The operation splits the StableHLO process grid into process_groups as follows:

  • channel_id <= 0, cross_replica(replica_groups).
  • channel_id > 0, cross_partition(replica_groups).

Afterwards, within each process_group:

split_parts@sender = [
      start_indices=[s0, s1, ..., sR-1],
        # where
        #  - sj = 0 if j != split_dimension
        #  - sj = i * dim(operand, j) / split_count, if j == split_dimension
        #  - R = rank(operand)
      limit_indices=[l0, l1, ..., lR-1],
        # where
        #   - lj = dim(operand, j) if j != split_dimension
        #   - lj = (i + 1) * dim(operand, j) / split_count, if j == split_dimension
      strides=[1, ..., 1]
    ) for i in range(split_count)

for all sender in process_group. * scattered_parts@receiver = [split_parts@sender[receiver_index] for sender in process_group] where receiver_index = index_of(receiver, process_group). * result@process = concatenate(scattered_parts@process, concat_dimension).


Name Type
operand tensor
split_dimension constant of type si64
concat_dimension constant of type si64
split_count constant of type si64
replica_groups 2-dimensional tensor constant of type si64
channel_id constant of type si64


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) split_dimension \(\in\) [0, rank(operand)).
  • (C2) dim(operand, split_dimension) % split_count \(=\) 0.
  • (C3) concat_dimension \(\in\) [0, rank(operand)).
  • (C4) split_count \(\gt\) 0.
  • (C5) All values in replica_groups are unique.
  • (C6) size(replica_groups) depends on the process grouping strategy:
  • If cross_replica, num_replicas.
  • If cross_partition, num_partitions.
  • (C7) \(0 \le\) replica_groups[i] \(\lt\) size(replica_groups) \(\forall i\) in indices(replica_groups).
  • (C8) type(result) = type(operand) except:
  • dim(result, split_dimension) = dim(operand, split_dimension) / split_count.
  • dim(result, concat_dimension) = dim(operand, concat_dimension) * split_count.


// num_replicas: 2
// num_partitions: 1
// %operand@(0, 0): [
//                   [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0],
//                   [5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]
//                  ]
// %operand@(1, 0): [
//                   [9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0],
//                   [13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0]
//                  ]
%result = "stablehlo.all_to_all"(%operand) {
  split_dimension = 1 : i64,
  concat_dimension = 0 : i64,
  split_count = 2 : i64,
  replica_groups = dense<[[0, 1]]> : tensor<1x2xi64>
} : (tensor<2x4xf32>) -> tensor<4x2xf32>
// %result@(0, 0): [
//                  [1.0, 2.0],
//                  [5.0, 6.0],
//                  [9.0, 10.0],
//                  [13.0, 14.0]
//                 ]
// %result@(1, 0): [
//                  [3.0, 4.0],
//                  [7.0, 8.0],
//                  [11.0, 12.0],
//                  [15.0, 16.0]
//                 ]



Performs element-wise AND of two tensors lhs and rhs and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For booleans: logical AND.
  • For integers: bitwise AND.


Name Type
lhs tensor of boolean or integer type
rhs tensor of boolean or integer type


Name Type
result tensor of boolean or integer type


  • (C1) lhs, rhs and result have the same type.


// %lhs: [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
// %rhs: [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
%result = "stablehlo.and"(%lhs, %rhs) : (tensor<2x2xi32>, tensor<2x2xi32>) -> tensor<2x2xi32>
// %result: [[1, 2], [3, 0]]



Performs element-wise atan2 operation on lhs and rhs tensor and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For floats: atan2 from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: complex atan2.


Name Type
lhs tensor of floating-point or complex type
rhs tensor of floating-point or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point or complex type


  • (C1) lhs, rhs, and result have the same type.


// %lhs: [0.0, 1.0, -1.0]
// %rhs: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
%result = "stablehlo.atan2"(%lhs, %rhs) : (tensor<3xf32>, tensor<3xf32>) -> tensor<3xf32>
// %result: [0.0, 1.57079637, -1.57079637] // [0.0, pi/2, -pi/2]



Computes gradients of several inputs of batch_norm_training backpropagating from grad_output, and produces grad_operand, grad_scale and grad_offset tensors. More formally, this operation can be expressed as a decomposition to existing StableHLO operations using Python-like syntax as follows:

def compute_sum(operand, feature_index):
  (sum,) = reduce(
      dimensions=[i for i in range(rank(operand)) if i != feature_index],
      body=lambda x, y: add(x, y))
  return sum

def compute_mean(operand, feature_index):
  sum = compute_sum(operand, feature_index)
  divisor = constant(num_elements(operand) / dim(operand, feature_index))
  divisor_bcast = broadcast_in_dim(divisor, [], shape(sum))
  return divide(sum, divisor_bcast)

def batch_norm_grad(operand, scale, mean, variance, grad_output, epsilon, feature_index):
  # Broadcast inputs to shape(operand)
  scale_bcast = broadcast_in_dim(scale, [feature_index], shape(operand))
  mean_bcast = broadcast_in_dim(mean, [feature_index], shape(operand))
  variance_bcast = broadcast_in_dim(variance, [feature_index], shape(operand))
  epsilon_bcast = broadcast_in_dim(constant(epsilon), [], shape(operand))

  # Perform normalization using the provided `mean` and `variance`
  # Intermediate values will be useful for computing gradients
  centered_operand = subtract(operand, mean_bcast)
  stddev = sqrt(add(variance_bcast, epsilon_bcast))
  normalized_operand = divide(centered_operand, stddev)

  # Use the implementation from in XLA
  # Temporary variables have exactly the same names as in the C++ code
  elements_per_feature = constant(
    divide(size(operand), dim(operand, feature_index)))
  i1 = multiply(
    broadcast_in_dim(elements_per_feature, [], shape(operand)))
  i2 = broadcast_in_dim(
    compute_sum(grad_output, feature_index),
    [feature_index], shape(operand))
  i3 = broadcast_in_dim(
    compute_sum(multiply(grad_output, centered_operand)),
    [feature_index], shape(operand))
  i4 = multiply(i3, centered_operand)
  i5 = divide(i4, add(variance_bcast, epsilon_bcast))
  grad_operand = multiply(
    divide(divide(scale_bcast, stddev), elements_per_feature),
    subtract(subtract(i1, i2), i5))
  grad_scale = compute_sum(
    multiply(grad_output, normalized_operand), feature_index)
  grad_offset = compute_sum(grad_output, feature_index)
  return grad_operand, grad_scale, grad_offset


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point type
scale 1-dimensional tensor of floating-point type
mean 1-dimensional tensor of floating-point type
variance 1-dimensional tensor of floating-point type
grad_output tensor of floating-point type
epsilon constant of type f32
feature_index constant of type si64


Name Type
grad_operand tensor of floating-point type
grad_scale 1-dimensional tensor of floating-point type
grad_offset 1-dimensional tensor of floating-point type


  • (C1) 0 \(\le\) feature_index \(\lt\) rank(operand).
  • (C2) operand, scale, mean, variance, grad_output, grad_operand grad_scale and grad_offset have the same element type.
  • (C3) operand, grad_output and grad_operand have the same shape.
  • (C4) scale, mean, variance, grad_scale and grad_offset have the same shape.
  • (C5) size(scale) \(=\) dim(operand, feature_index).


// %operand: [
//            [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]],
//            [[3.0, 4.0], [1.0, 2.0]]
//           ]
// %scale: [1.0, 1.0]
// %mean: [2.0, 3.0]
// %variance: [1.0, 1.0]
// %grad_output: [
//                [[0.1, 0.1], [0.1, 0.1]],
//                [[0.1, 0.1], [0.1, 0.1]]
//               ]
%grad_operand, %grad_scale, %grad_offset =
"stablehlo.batch_norm_grad"(%operand, %scale, %mean, %variance, %grad_output) {
  epsilon = 0.0 : f32,
  feature_index = 2 : i64
} : (tensor<2x2x2xf32>, tensor<2xf32>, tensor<2xf32>, tensor<2xf32>,
     tensor<2x2x2xf32>) -> (tensor<2x2x2xf32>, tensor<2xf32>, tensor<2xf32>)
// %grad_operand: [
//                 [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]],
//                 [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]]
//                ]
// %grad_scale:  [0.0, 0.0]
// %grad_offset: [0.4, 0.4]



Normalizes the operand tensor across all dimensions except for the feature_index dimension and produces a result tensor. More formally, this operation can be expressed as a decomposition to existing StableHLO operations using Python-like syntax as follows:

def batch_norm_inference(operand, scale, offset, mean, variance, epsilon, feature_index):
  # Broadcast inputs to shape(operand)
  scale_bcast = broadcast_in_dim(scale, [feature_index], shape(operand))
  offset_bcast = broadcast_in_dim(offset, [feature_index], shape(operand))
  mean_bcast = broadcast_in_dim(mean, [feature_index], shape(operand))
  variance_bcast = broadcast_in_dim(variance, [feature_index], shape(operand))
  epsilon_bcast = broadcast_in_dim(constant(epsilon), [], shape(operand))

  # Perform normalization using the provided `mean` and `variance` instead of
  # computing them like `batch_norm_training` does.
  centered_operand = subtract(operand, mean_bcast)
  stddev = sqrt(add(variance_bcast, epsilon_bcast))
  normalized_operand = divide(centered_operand, stddev)
  return add(multiply(scale_bcast, normalized_operand), offset_bcast)


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point type
scale 1-dimensional tensor of floating-point type
offset 1-dimensional tensor of floating-point type
mean 1-dimensional tensor of floating-point type
variance 1-dimensional tensor of floating-point type
epsilon constant of type f32
feature_index constant of type si64


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point type


  • (C1) 0 \(\le\) feature_index \(\lt\) rank(operand).
  • (C2) operand, scale, offset, mean, variance and result have the same element type.
  • (C3) size(scale) \(=\) dim(operand, feature_index).
  • (C4) size(offset) \(=\) dim(operand, feature_index).
  • (C5) size(mean) \(=\) dim(operand, feature_index).
  • (C6) size(variance) \(=\) dim(operand, feature_index).
  • (C7) operand and result have the same type.


// %operand: [
//            [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]],
//            [[3.0, 4.0], [1.0, 2.0]]
//           ]
// %scale: [1.0, 1.0]
// %offset: [1.0, 1.0]
// %mean: [2.0, 3.0]
// %variance: [1.0, 1.0]
%result = "stablehlo.batch_norm_inference"(%operand, %scale, %offset, %mean, %variance) {
  epsilon = 0.0 : f32,
  feature_index = 2 : i64
} : (tensor<2x2x2xf32>, tensor<2xf32>, tensor<2xf32>, tensor<2xf32>, tensor<2xf32>) -> tensor<2x2x2xf32>
// %result: [
//           [[0.0, 0.0], [2.0, 2.0]],
//           [[2.0, 2.0], [0.0, 0.0]]
//          ]



Computes mean and variance across all dimensions except for the feature_index dimension and normalizes the operand tensor producing output, batch_mean and batch_var tensors. More formally, this operation can be expressed as a decomposition to existing StableHLO operations using Python-like syntax as follows:

def compute_mean(operand, feature_index):
  (sum,) = reduce(
      dimensions=[i for i in range(rank(operand)) if i != feature_index],
      body=lambda x, y: add(x, y))
  divisor = constant(num_elements(operand) / dim(operand, feature_index))
  divisor_bcast = broadcast_in_dim(divisor, [], shape(sum))
  return divide(sum, divisor_bcast)

def compute_variance(operand, feature_index):
  mean = compute_mean(operand, feature_index)
  mean_bcast = broadcast_in_dim(mean, [feature_index], shape(operand))
  centered_operand = subtract(operand, mean_bcast)
  return compute_mean(mul(centered_operand, centered_operand), feature_index)

def batch_norm_training(operand, scale, offset, epsilon, feature_index):
  mean = compute_mean(operand, feature_index)
  variance = compute_variance(operand, feature_index)
  return batch_norm_inference(operand, scale, offset, mean,
                              variance, epsilon, feature_index)


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point type
scale 1-dimensional tensor of floating-point type
offset 1-dimensional tensor of floating-point type
epsilon constant of type f32
feature_index constant of type si64


Name Type
output tensor of floating-point type
batch_mean 1-dimensional tensor of floating-point type
batch_var 1-dimensional tensor of floating-point type


  • (C1) 0 \(\le\) feature_index \(\lt\) rank(operand).
  • (C2) operand, scale, offset, result, batch_mean and batch_var have the same element type.
  • (C3) size(scale) \(=\) dim(operand, feature_index).
  • (C4) size(offset) \(=\) dim(operand, feature_index).
  • (C5) size(batch_mean) \(=\) dim(operand, feature_index).
  • (C6) size(batch_var) \(=\) dim(operand, feature_index).
  • (C7) operand and output have the same type.


// %operand: [
//            [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]],
//            [[3.0, 4.0], [1.0, 2.0]]
//           ]
// %scale: [1.0, 1.0]
// %offset: [1.0, 1.0]
%output, %batch_mean, %batch_var = "stablehlo.batch_norm_training"(%operand, %scale, %offset) {
  epsilon = 0.0 : f32,
  feature_index = 2 : i64
} : (tensor<2x2x2xf32>, tensor<2xf32>, tensor<2xf32>) -> (tensor<2x2x2xf32>, tensor<2xf32>, tensor<2xf32>)
// %output: [
//           [[0.0, 0.0], [2.0, 2.0]],
//           [[2.0, 2.0], [0.0, 0.0]]
//          ]
// %batch_mean: [2.0, 3.0]
// %batch_var: [1.0, 1.0]



Performs a bitcast operation on operand tensor and produces a result tensor where the bits of the entire operand tensor are reinterpreted using the type of the result tensor.

Let E and E' be the operand and result element type respectively, and R = rank(operand):

  • If num_bits(E') \(=\) num_bits(E), bits(result[i0, ..., iR-1]) = bits(operand[i0, ..., iR-1]).
  • If num_bits(E') \(\lt\) num_bits(E), bits(result[i0, ..., iR-1, :]) = bits(operand[i0, ..., iR-1]).
  • If num_bits(E') \(\gt\) num_bits(E), bits(result[i0, ..., iR-2]) = bits(operand[i0, ..., iR-2, :]).

The behavior of bits is implementation-defined because the exact representation of tensors is implementation-defined, and the exact representation of element types is implementation-defined as well.


Name Type
operand tensor


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) Let E and E' be the operand and result element type, respectively and R = rank(operand):
  • If num_bits(E') \(=\) num_bits(E), shape(result) \(=\) shape(operand).
  • If num_bits(E') \(\lt\) num_bits(E):
    • rank(result) = R+1.
    • dim(result, i) \(=\) dim(operand, i) for all i \(\in\) [0, R-1].
    • dim(result, R) = num_bits(E)/num_bits(E').
  • If num_bits(E') \(\gt\) num_bits(E):
    • rank(result) = R-1.
    • dim(result, i) \(=\) dim(operand, i) for all i \(\in\) [0, R-1).
    • dim(operand, R-1) = num_bits(E')/num_bits(E).
  • (C2) Conversion between complex and non-complex types is not permitted.


// %operand: [0.0, 1.0]
%result = "stablehlo.bitcast_convert"(%operand) : (tensor<2xf32>) -> tensor<2x4xi8>
// %result: [
//           [0, 0, 0, 0],
//           [0, 0, -128, 63] // little-endian representation of 1.0
//          ]



Expands the dimensions and/or rank of an input tensor by duplicating the data in the operand tensor and produces a result tensor. Formally, result[i0, i1, ..., iR-1] \(=\) operand[j0, j1, ..., jR'-1] such that jk \(=\) dim(operand, k) == 1 ? 0 : i[broadcast_dimensions[k]] for all dimensions k in operand.


Name Type
operand tensor
broadcast_dimensions 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) operand and result have the same element type.
  • (C2) size(broadcast_dimensions) \(=\) rank(operand).
  • (C3) \(0 \le\) broadcast_dimensions[i] \(\lt\) rank(result) for all dimensions i in operand.
  • (C4) All dimensions in broadcast_dimensions are unique.
  • (C5) For all dimensions j in operand:
  • dim(operand, j) = 1 or
  • dim(operand, j) = dim(result, i) where i = broadcast_dimensions[j].


// %operand: [
//            [1, 2, 3]
//           ]
%result = "stablehlo.broadcast_in_dim"(%operand) {
  broadcast_dimensions = dense<[2, 1]>: tensor<2xi64>
} : (tensor<1x3xi32>) -> tensor<2x3x2xi32>
// %result: [
//            [
//             [1, 1],
//             [2, 2],
//             [3, 3]
//            ],
//            [
//             [1, 1],
//             [2, 2],
//             [3, 3]
//            ]
//          ]



Produces the output from executing exactly one function from branches depending on the value of index. Formally, if \(0 \le\) index \(\lt\) N-1, output of branches[index] is returned, else, output of branches[N-1] is returned.


Name Type
index 1-dimensional tensor of type si32
branches variadic number of functions


Name Type
results variadic number of tensors or tokens


  • (C1) branches have at least one function.
  • (C2) All functions in branches have 0 inputs.
  • (C3) All functions in branches have the same output types.
  • (C4) For all i, type(results[i]) = type(branches[0]).outputs[i].


// %result_branch0: 10
// %result_branch1: 11
// %index: 1
%result = ""(%index) ({
  "stablehlo.return"(%result_branch0) : (tensor<i32>) -> ()
}, {
  "stablehlo.return"(%result_branch1) : (tensor<i32>) -> ()
}) : (tensor<i32>) -> tensor<i32>
// %result: 11



Performs element-wise cubic root operation on operand tensor and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For floats: rootn(x, 3) from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: complex cubic root.


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point or complex type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// %operand: [0.0, 1.0, 8.0, 27.0]
%result = "stablehlo.cbrt"(%operand) : (tensor<4xf32>) -> tensor<4xf32>
// %result: [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0]



Performs element-wise ceil of operand tensor and produces a result tensor. Implements the roundToIntegralTowardPositive operation from the IEEE-754 specification.


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point type


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// %operand: [-0.8166, -0.2530, 0.2530, 0.8166, 2.0]
%result = "stablehlo.ceil"(%operand) : (tensor<5xf32>) -> tensor<5xf32>
// %result: [-0.0, -0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0]

 More Examples



Computes the Cholesky decomposition of a batch of matrices.

More formally, for all i, result[i0, ..., iR-3, :, :] is a Cholesky decomposition of a[i0, ..., iR-3, :, :], in the form of either of a lower-triangular (if lower is true) or upper-triangular (if lower is false) matrix. The output values in the opposite triangle, i.e. the strict upper triangle or strict lower triangle correspondingly, are implementation-defined.

If there exists i where the input matrix is not an Hermitian positive-definite matrix, then the behavior is undefined.


Name Type
a tensor of floating-point or complex type
lower 0-dimensional tensor constant of type i1


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point or complex type


  • (C1) a and result have the same type.
  • (C2) rank(a) >= 2.
  • (C3) dim(a, -2) = dim(a, -1).


// %a: [
//      [1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
//      [2.0, 20.0, 26.0],
//      [3.0, 26.0, 70.0]
//     ]
%result = "stablehlo.cholesky"(%a) {
  lower = true
} : (tensor<3x3xf32>) -> tensor<3x3xf32>
// %result: [
//           [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
//           [2.0, 4.0, 0.0],
//           [3.0, 5.0, 6.0]
//          ]



Clamps every element of the operand tensor between a minimum and maximum value and produces a result tensor. More formally, result[i0, ..., iR-1] = minimum(maximum(operand[i0, ..., iR-1], min_val), max_val), where min_val = rank(min) == 0 ? min : min[i0, ..., iR-1], max_val = rank(max) == 0 ? max : max[i0, ..., iR-1].


Name Type
min tensor
operand tensor
max tensor


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) Either rank(min) \(=\) 0 or shape(min) \(=\) shape(operand).
  • (C2) Either rank(max) \(=\) 0 or shape(max) \(=\) shape(operand).
  • (C3) min, operand, and max have the same element type.
  • (C4) operand and result have the same type.


// %min: [5, 10, 15]
// %operand: [3, 13, 23]
// %max: [10, 15, 20]
%result = "stablehlo.clamp"(%min, %operand, %max) : (tensor<3xi32>, tensor<3xi32>, tensor<3xi32>) -> tensor<3xi32>
// %result: [5, 13, 20]



Within each process group in the StableHLO process grid, sends the value of the operand tensor from the source process to the target process and produces a result tensor.

The operation splits the StableHLO process grid into process_groups as follows:

  • channel_id <= 0, cross_replica(replica_groups).
  • channel_id > 0, cross_partition(replica_groups).

Afterwards, result@process is given by:

  • operand@process_groups[i, 0], if there exists an i such that process_groups[i, 1] = process.
  • broadcast_in_dim(0, [], shape(result)), otherwise.


Name Type
operand tensor
source_target_pairs 2-dimensional tensor constant of type si64
channel_id constant of type si64


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) dim(source_target_pairs, 1) \(=\) 2.
  • (C2) All values in source_target_pairs[:, 0] are unique.
  • (C3) All values in source_target_pairs[:, 1] are unique.
  • (C4) \(0 \le\) source_target_pairs[i][0], source_target_pairs[i][1] \(\lt N\), where \(N\) depends on the process grouping strategy:
  • If cross_replica, num_replicas.
  • If cross_partition, num_partitions.
  • (C5) type(result) \(=\) type(operand).


// num_replicas: 2
// num_partitions: 1
// %operand@(0, 0): [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
// %operand@(1, 0): [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
%result = "stablehlo.collective_permute"(%operand) {
  source_target_pairs = dense<[[0, 1]]> : tensor<2x2xi64>,
  // channel_id = 0
  channel_handle = #stablehlo.channel_handle<handle = 0, type = 0>
} : (tensor<2x2xf32>) -> tensor<2x2xf32>
// %result@(0, 0): [[0, 0], [0, 0]]
// %result@(1, 0): [[1, 2], [3, 4]]



Performs element-wise comparison of lhs and rhs tensors according to comparison_direction and compare_type, and produces a result tensor.

The values of comparison_direction and compare_type have the following semantics:

For boolean and integer element types:

  • EQ: lhs \(=\) rhs.
  • NE: lhs \(\ne\) rhs.
  • GE: lhs \(\ge\) rhs.
  • GT: lhs \(\gt\) rhs.
  • LE: lhs \(\le\) rhs.
  • LT: lhs \(\lt\) rhs.

For floating-point element types and compare_type = FLOAT, the op implements the following IEEE-754 operations:

  • EQ: compareQuietEqual.
  • NE: compareQuietNotEqual.
  • GE: compareQuietGreaterEqual.
  • GT: compareQuietGreater.
  • LE: compareQuietLessEqual.
  • LT: compareQuietLess.

For floating-point element types and compare_type = TOTALORDER, the op uses the combination of totalOrder and compareQuietEqual operations from IEEE-754.

For complex element types, lexicographic comparison of (real, imag) pairs is performed using the provided comparison_direction and compare_type.


Name Type
lhs tensor
rhs tensor
comparison_direction enum of EQ, NE, GE, GT, LE, and LT
compare_type enum of FLOAT, TOTALORDER, SIGNED, and UNSIGNED


Name Type
result tensor of boolean type


  • (C1) lhs and rhs have the same element type.
  • (C2) lhs, rhs, and result have the same shape.
  • (C3) Given E is the lhs element type, the following are legal values of compare_type:
  • If E is signed integer type, compare_type = SIGNED.
  • If E is unsigned integer or boolean type, compare_type = UNSIGNED.
  • If E is floating-point type, compare_type \(\in\) {FLOAT, TOTALORDER}.
  • If E is complex type, compare_type = FLOAT.


// %lhs: [1.0, 3.0]
// %rhs: [1.1, 2.9]
%result = ""(%lhs, %rhs) {
  comparison_direction = #stablehlo<comparison_direction LT>,
  compare_type = #stablehlo<comparison_type FLOAT>
} : (tensor<2xf32>, tensor<2xf32>) -> tensor<2xi1>
// %result: [true, false]



Performs element-wise conversion to a complex value from a pair of real and imaginary values, lhs and rhs, and produces a result tensor.


Name Type
lhs tensor of type f32 or f64
rhs tensor of type f32 or f64


Name Type
result tensor of complex type


  • (C1) lhs and rhs have the same type.
  • (C2) shape(result) \(=\) shape(lhs).
  • (C3) element_type(result) = complex_type(element_type(lhs)).


// %lhs: [1.0, 3.0]
// %rhs: [2.0, 4.0]
%result = "stablehlo.complex"(%lhs, %rhs) : (tensor<2xf32>, tensor<2xf32>) -> tensor<2xcomplex<f32>>
// %result: [(1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0)]



Concatenates a variadic number of tensors in inputs along dimension dimension in the same order as the given arguments and produces a result tensor. More formally, result[i0, ..., id, ..., iR-1] = inputs[k][i0, ..., kd, ..., iR-1], where:

  1. id = d0 + ... + dk-1 + kd.
  2. d is equal to dimension, and d0, ... are dth dimension sizes of inputs.


Name Type
inputs variadic number of tensors
dimension constant of type si64


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) All tensors in inputs have the same element type.
  • (C2) All tensors in inputs have the same shape except for the size of the dimensionth dimension.
  • (C3) inputs have N tensors where N >= 1.
  • (C4) 0 \(\le\) dimension \(\lt\) rank(inputs[0]).
  • (C5) result has the same element type as the tensors in inputs.
  • (C6) result has the same shape as the tensors in inputs except for the size of the dimensionth dimension, which is calculated as a sum of the size of inputs[k][dimension] for all k in inputs.


// %input0: [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
// %input1: [[7, 8]]
%result = "stablehlo.concatenate"(%input0, %input1) {
  dimension = 0 : i64
} : (tensor<3x2xi32>, tensor<1x2xi32>) -> tensor<4x2xi32>
// %result: [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]]



Produces an output tensor from a constant value.


Name Type
value constant


Name Type
output tensor


  • (C1) value and output have the same type.


%output = "stablehlo.constant"() {
  value = dense<[[0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0]]> : tensor<2x2xf32>
} : () -> tensor<2x2xf32>
// %output: [[0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0]]

 More Examples



Performs an element-wise conversion from one element type to another on operand tensor and produces a result tensor.

For conversions involving integer-to-integer, if there is an unsigned/signed overflow, the result is implementation-defined and one of the following:

  • mathematical result modulo \(2^n\), where n is the bit width of the result, for unsigned overflow. For signed integer overflow, wraps the result around the representable range \([-2^{n-1},\ 2^{n-1} - 1]\).
  • saturation to \(2^{n-1} - 1\) (or \(-2^{n-1}\)) for signed overflow and saturation to \(2^n - 1\) (or \(0\)) for unsigned overflow.

For conversions involving floating-point-to-floating-point or integer-to-floating-point, if the source value can be exactly represented in the destination type, the result value is that exact representation. Otherwise, the behavior is TBD.

Conversion involving complex-to-complex follows the same behavior of floating-point-to-floating-point conversions for converting real and imaginary parts.

For conversions involving floating-point-to-complex or complex-to-floating-point, the destination imaginary value is zeroed or the source imaginary value is ignored, respectively. The conversion of the real part follows the floating-point-to-floating-point conversion.

Conversions involving integer-to-complex follows the same behavior as integer-to-floating-point conversion while converting the source integer to destination real part. The destination imaginary part is zeroed.

For conversions involving floating-point-to-integer, the fractional part is truncated. If the truncated value cannot be represented in the destination type, the behavior is TBD. Conversions involving complex-to-integer follows the same behavior while converting the source real part to destination integer. The source imaginary part is ignored.

For boolean-to-any-supported-type conversions, the value false is converted to zero, and the value true is converted to one. For any-supported-type-to-boolean conversions, a zero value is converted to false and any non-zero value is converted to true.


Name Type
operand tensor


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) operand and result have the same shape.


// %operand: [1, 2, 3]
%result = "stablehlo.convert"(%operand) : (tensor<3xi32>) -> tensor<3xcomplex<f32>>
// %result: [(1.0, 0.0), (2.0, 0.0), (3.0, 0.0)]



Computes dot products between windows of lhs and slices of rhs and produces result. The following diagram shows how elements in result are computed from lhs and rhs using a concrete example.

More formally, consider the following reframing of the inputs in terms of lhs in order to be able to express windows of lhs:

  • lhs_window_dimensions = lhs_shape(dim(lhs, input_batch_dimension), dim(rhs, kernel_spatial_dimensions), dim(lhs, input_feature_dimension)).
  • lhs_window_strides = lhs_shape(1, window_strides, 1).
  • lhs_padding = lhs_shape([0, 0], padding, [0, 0]).
  • lhs_base_dilations = lhs_shape(1, lhs_dilation, 1).
  • lhs_window_dilations = lhs_shape(1, rhs_dilation, 1).

This reframing uses the following helper functions:

  • lhs_shape(n, hw, c) = permute([n] + hw + [c], [input_batch_dimension] + input_spatial_dimensions + [input_feature_dimension]).
  • result_shape(n1, hw, c1) = permute([n1] + hw + [c1], [output_batch_dimension] + output_spatial_dimensions + [output_feature_dimension]).

If feature_group_count = 1 and batch_group_count = 1, then for all output_spatial_index in the index space of dim(result, output_spatial_dimensions), result[result_shape(:, output_spatial_index, :)] = dot_product where:

  • padded_lhs = pad(lhs, 0, lhs_padding[:, 0], lhs_padding[:, 1], lhs_base_dilations).
  • lhs_window_start = lhs_shape(0, output_spatial_index, 0) * lhs_window_strides.
  • lhs_window = slice(padded_lhs, lhs_window_start, lhs_window_start + lhs_window_dimensions, lhs_window_dilations).
  • reversed_lhs_window = reverse(lhs_window, [input_spatial_dimensions[dim] for dim in [0, size(window_reversal) and window_reversal[dim] = true]).
  • dot_product = dot_general(reversed_lhs_window, rhs, lhs_batching_dimensions=[], lhs_contracting_dimensions=input_spatial_dimensions + [input_feature_dimension], rhs_batching_dimensions=[], rhs_contracting_dimensions=kernel_spatial_dimensions + [kernel_input_feature_dimension]).

If feature_group_count > 1:

  • lhses = split(lhs, feature_group_count, input_feature_dimension).
  • rhses = split(rhs, feature_group_count, kernel_output_feature_dimension).
  • results[:] = convolution(lhses[:], rhses[:], ..., feature_group_count=1, ...).
  • result = concatenate(results, output_feature_dimension).

If batch_group_count > 1:

  • lhses = split(lhs, batch_group_count, input_batch_dimension).
  • rhses = split(rhs, batch_group_count, kernel_output_feature_dimension).
  • results[:] = convolution(lhses[:], rhses[:], ..., batch_group_count=1, ...).
  • result = concatenate(results, output_feature_dimension).


Name Type Constraints
lhs tensor (C1), (C2), (C11), (C12), (C26), (C27)
rhs tensor (C1), (C2), (C15), (C16), (C17), (C26)
window_strides 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C3), (C4), (C26)
padding 2-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C5), (C26)
lhs_dilation 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C6), (C7), (C26)
rhs_dilation 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C8), (C9), (C26)
window_reversal 1-dimensional tensor constant of type i1 (C10)
input_batch_dimension constant of type si64 (C11), (C14), (C26)
input_feature_dimension constant of type si64 (C12), (C14)
input_spatial_dimensions 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C13), (C14), (C26)
kernel_input_feature_dimension constant of type si64 (C15), (C19)
kernel_output_feature_dimension constant of type si64 (C16), (C17), (C19), (C26)
kernel_spatial_dimensions 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C18), (C19), (C26)
output_batch_dimension constant of type si64 (C21), (C26)
output_feature_dimension constant of type si64 (C21), (C26)
output_spatial_dimensions 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C20), (C21), (C26)
feature_group_count constant of type si64 (C12), (C15), (C17), (C22), (C24)
batch_group_count constant of type si64 (C11), (C16), (C23), (C24), (C26)
precision_config variadic number of enum of DEFAULT, HIGH, and HIGHEST (C25)


Name Type Constraints
result tensor (C26), (C27), (C28)


  • (C1) \(N =\) rank(lhs) \(=\) rank(rhs).
  • (C2) element_type(lhs) \(=\) element_type(rhs).
  • (C3) size(window_strides) \(= N - 2\) .
  • (C4) window_strides[i] \(\gt 0\) for all i \(\in\) [0, size(window_strides)).
  • (C5) dim(padding, 0) \(= N - 2\) and dim(padding, 1) = 2.
  • (C6) size(lhs_dilation) \(= N - 2\).
  • (C7) lhs_dilation[i] \(\gt 0\) for all i \(\in\) [0, size(lhs_dilation)).
  • (C8) size(rhs_dilation) \(= N - 2\).
  • (C9) rhs_dilation[i] \(\gt 0\) for all i \(\in\) [0, size(rhs_dilation)).
  • (C10) size(window_reversal) \(= N - 2\).
  • (C11) dim(lhs, input_batch_dimension) % batch_group_count = 0.
  • (C12) `dim(lhs, input_feature_dimension) % feature_group_count = 0.
  • (C13) size(input_spatial_dimensions) \(= N - 2\).
  • (C14) Given input_dimensions = [input_batch_dimension] + input_spatial_dimensions + [input_feature_dimension].
  • All dimensions in input_dimensions are unique.
  • For any i \(\in\) input_dimensions, 0 \(\le\) i \(\lt\) N.
  • (C15) dim(rhs, kernel_input_feature_dimension = dim(lhs, input_feature_dimension) / feature_group_count.
  • (C16) dim(rhs, kernel_output_feature_dimension) % batch_group_count = 0.
  • (C17) dim(rhs, kernel_output_feature_dimension) % feature_group_count = 0.
  • (C18) size(kernel_spatial_dimensions) \(= N - 2\).
  • (C19) Given kernel_dimensions = kernel_spatial_dimensions + [kernel_input_feature_dimension] + [kernel_output_feature_dimension].
  • All dimensions in kernel_dimensions are unique.
  • For any i \(\in\) kernel_dimensions, 0 \(\le\) i \(\lt\) N.
  • (C20) size(output_spatial_dimensions) \(= N - 2\).
  • (C21) Given output_dimensions = [output_batch_dimension] + output_spatial_dimensions + [output_feature_dimension].
  • All dimensions in output_dimensions are unique.
  • For any i \(\in\) output_dimensions, 0 \(\le\) i \(\lt\) N.
  • (C22) feature_group_count > 0.
  • (C23) batch_group_count > 0.
  • (C24) feature_group_count \(= 1\) OR batch_group_count \(= 1\).
  • (C25) size(precision_config) \(=\) 2.
  • (C26) For result_dim \(\in\) [0, N), dim(result, result_dim) is given by
  • dim(lhs, input_batch_dimension) / batch_group_count, if result_dim = output_batch_dimension.
  • dim(rhs, kernel_output_feature_dimension), if result_dim = output_feature_dimension.
  • num_windows otherwise, where:
    • output_spatial_dimensions[spatial_dim] = result_dim.
    • lhs_dim = input_spatial_dimensions[spatial_dim].
    • rhs_dim = kernel_spatial_dimensions[spatial_dim].
    • dilated_input_shape[lhs_dim] = dim(lhs, lhs_dim) == 0 ? 0 : (dim(lhs, lhs_dim) - 1) * lhs_dilation[spatial_dim] + 1.
    • padded_input_shape[lhs_dim] = padding[spatial_dim, 0] + dilated_input_shape[lhs_dim] + padding[spatial_dim, 1].
    • dilated_window_shape[lhs_dim] = dim(rhs, rhs_dim) == 0 ? 0 : (dim(rhs, rhs_dim) - 1) * rhs_dilation[spatial_dim] + 1.
    • num_windows = (padded_input_shape[lhs_dim] == 0 || dilated_window_shape[lhs_dim] > padded_input_shape[lhs_dim]) ? 0 : floor((padded_input_shape[lhs_dim] - dilated_window_shape[lhs_dim]) / window_strides[spatial_dim]) + 1.
  • (C27) element_type(result) \(=\) element_type(lhs).
  • (C28) rank(result) \(= N\).


// %lhs: [[
//        [
//          [1], [2], [5], [6]
//        ],
//        [
//          [3], [4], [7], [8]
//        ],
//        [
//          [10], [11], [14], [15]
//        ],
//        [
//          [12], [13], [16], [17]
//        ]
//      ]]
// %rhs : [
//         [[[1]], [[1]], [[1]]],
//         [[[1]], [[1]], [[1]]],
//         [[[1]], [[1]], [[1]]]
//        ]
%result = "stablehlo.convolution"(%lhs, %rhs) {
  window_strides = dense<4> : tensor<2xi64>,
  padding = dense<0> : tensor<2x2xi64>,
  lhs_dilation = dense<2> : tensor<2xi64>,
  rhs_dilation = dense<1> : tensor<2xi64>,
  window_reversal = dense<false> : tensor<2xi1>,
  // In the StableHLO dialect, dimension numbers are encoded via:
  // `[<input dimensions>]x[<kernel dimensions>]->[output dimensions]`.
  // "b" is batch dimenion, "f" is feature dimension,
  // "i" is input feature dimension, "o" is output feature dimension,
  // "0/1/etc" are spatial dimensions.
  dimension_numbers = #stablehlo.conv<[b, 0, 1, f]x[0, 1, i, o]->[b, 0, 1, f]>,
  feature_group_count = 1 : i64,
  batch_group_count = 1 : i64,
  precision_config = [#stablehlo<precision DEFAULT>, #stablehlo<precision DEFAULT>]
} : (tensor<1x4x4x1xi32>, tensor<3x3x1x1xi32>) -> tensor<1x2x2x1xi32>
// %result: [[
//            [[10], [26]],
//            [[46], [62]]
//          ]]



Performs element-wise cosine operation on operand tensor and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For floats: cos from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: complex cosine.


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point or complex type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// %operand: [
//            [0.0, 1.57079632],       // [0, pi/2]
//            [3.14159265, 4.71238898] // [pi, 3pi/2]
//           ]
%result = "stablehlo.cosine"(%operand) : (tensor<2x2xf32>) -> tensor<2x2xf32>
// %result: [[1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 0.0]]

 More Examples



Performs element-wise count of the number of leading zero bits in the operand tensor and produces a result tensor.


Name Type
operand tensor of integer type


Name Type
result tensor of integer type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// %operand: [[0, 1], [127, -1]]
%result = "stablehlo.count_leading_zeros"(%operand) : (tensor<2x2xi8>) -> tensor<2x2xi8>
// %result: [[8, 7], [1, 0]]



Encapsulates an implementation-defined operation call_target_name that takes inputs and called_computations and produces results. has_side_effect, backend_config and api_version may be used to provide additional implementation-defined metadata.


Name Type
inputs variadic number of values
call_target_name constant of type string
has_side_effect constant of type i1
backend_config constant of type string
api_version constant of type si32
called_computations variadic number of functions


Name Type
results variadic number of values


%results = "stablehlo.custom_call"(%input0) {
  call_target_name = "foo",
  has_side_effect = false,
  backend_config = "bar",
  api_version = 1 : i32,
  called_computations = [@foo]
} : (tensor<f32>) -> tensor<f32>



Performs element-wise division of dividend lhs and divisor rhs tensors and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For integers: integer division.
  • For floats: division from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: complex division.


Name Type
lhs tensor of integer, floating-point or complex type
rhs tensor of integer, floating-point or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of integer, floating-point or complex type


  • (C1) lhs, rhs and result have the same type.


// %lhs: [17.1, -17.1, 17.1, -17.1]
// %rhs: [3.0, 3.0, -3.0, -3.0]
%result = "stablehlo.divide"(%lhs, %rhs) : (tensor<4xf32>, tensor<4xf32>) -> tensor<4xf32>
// %result: [5.66666651, -5.66666651, -5.66666651, 5.66666651]

// %lhs: [17, -17, 17, -17]
// %rhs: [3, 3, -3, -3]
%result = "stablehlo.divide"(%lhs, %rhs) : (tensor<4xi32>, tensor<4xi32>) -> tensor<4xi32>
// %result: [5, -5, -5, 5]



Computes dot products between slices of lhs and slices of rhs and produces a result tensor.

More formally, result[result_index] = dot_product, where:

  • lhs_result_dimensions = [d for d in axes(lhs) and d not in lhs_batching_dimensions and d not in lhs_contracting_dimensions].
  • rhs_result_dimensions = [d for d in axes(rhs) and d not in rhs_batching_dimensions and d not in rhs_contracting_dimensions].
  • result_batching_index + result_lhs_index + result_rhs_index = result_index where size(result_batching_index) = size(lhs_batching_dimensions), size(result_lhs_index) = size(lhs_result_dimensions) and size(result_rhs_index) = size(rhs_result_dimensions).
  • transposed_lhs = transpose(lhs, lhs_batching_dimensions + lhs_result_dimensions + lhs_contracting_dimensions).
  • transposed_lhs_slice = slice(result_batching_index + result_lhs_index + [:, ..., :]).
  • reshaped_lhs_slice = reshape(transposed_lhs_slice, dims(lhs, lhs_contracting_dimensions)).
  • transposed_rhs = transpose(rhs, rhs_batching_dimensions + rhs_result_dimensions + rhs_contracting_dimensions).
  • transposed_rhs_slice = slice(result_batching_index + result_rhs_index + [:, ..., :]).
  • reshaped_rhs_slice = reshape(transposed_rhs_slice, dims(rhs, rhs_contracting_dimensions)).
  • dot_product = reduce( inputs=[multiply(reshaped_lhs_slice, reshaped_rhs_slice)], init_values=[0], dimensions=[0, ..., size(lhs_contracting_dimensions) - 1], body=lambda x, y: add(x, y)).

precision_config controls the tradeoff between speed and accuracy for computations on accelerator backends. This can be one of the following:

  • DEFAULT: Fastest calculation, but least accurate approximation to the original number.
  • HIGH: Slower calculation, but more accurate approximation to the original number.
  • HIGHEST: Slowest calculation, but most accurate approximation to the original number.


Name Type
lhs tensor
rhs tensor
lhs_batching_dimensions 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64
rhs_batching_dimensions 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64
lhs_contracting_dimensions 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64
rhs_contracting_dimensions 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64
precision_config variadic number of enum of DEFAULT, HIGH, and HIGHEST


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) lhs and rhs have the same element type.
  • (C2) size(lhs_batching_dimensions) \(=\) size(rhs_batching_dimensions).
  • (C3) size(lhs_contracting_dimensions) \(=\) size(rhs_contracting_dimensions).
  • (C4) lhs_batching_dimensions and lhs_contracting_dimensions combined are unique.
  • (C5) rhs_batching_dimensions and rhs_contracting_dimensions combined are unique.
  • (C6) 0 \(\le\) lhs_batching_dimensions[i] \(\lt\) rank(lhs) for all i \(\in\) [0, size(lhs_batching_dimensions)).
  • (C7) 0 \(\le\) lhs_contracting_dimensions[i] \(\lt\) rank(lhs) for all i \(\in\) [0, size(lhs_contracting_dimensions)).
  • (C8) 0 \(\le\) rhs_batching_dimensions[d] \(\lt\) rank(rhs) for all i \(\in\) [0, size(rhs_batching_dimensions)).
  • (C9) 0 \(\le\) rhs_contracting_dimensions[d] \(\lt\) rank(rhs) for all i \(\in\) [0, size(rhs_contracting_dimensions)).
  • (C10) dim(lhs, lhs_batching_dimensions[i]) \(=\) dim(rhs, rhs_batching_dimensions[i]) for all i \(\in\) [0, size(lhs_batching_dimensions)).
  • (C11) dim(lhs, lhs_contracting_dimensions[i]) \(=\) dim(rhs, rhs_contracting_dimensions[i]) for all i \(\in\) [0, size(lhs_contracting_dimensions)).
  • (C12) size(precision_config) \(=\) 2.
  • (C13) shape(result) \(=\) dim(lhs, lhs_batching_dimensions) + dim(lhs, lhs_result_dimensions) + dim(rhs, rhs_result_dimensions).


// %lhs: [
//        [[1, 2],
//         [3, 4]],
//        [[5, 6],
//         [7, 8]]
//       ]
// %rhs: [
//        [[1, 0],
//         [0, 1]],
//        [[1, 0],
//         [0, 1]]
//       ]
%result = "stablehlo.dot_general"(%lhs, %rhs) {
  dot_dimension_numbers =<
    lhs_batching_dimensions = [0],
    rhs_batching_dimensions = [0],
    lhs_contracting_dimensions = [2],
    rhs_contracting_dimensions = [1]
  precision_config = [#stablehlo<precision DEFAULT>, #stablehlo<precision DEFAULT>]
} : (tensor<2x2x2xi32>, tensor<2x2x2xi32>) -> tensor<2x2x2xi32>
// %result: [
//           [[1, 2],
//            [3, 4]],
//           [[5, 6],
//            [7, 8]]
//          ]

 More Examples



Extracts a slice from the operand using dynamically-computed starting indices and produces a result tensor. start_indices contain the starting indices of the slice for each dimension subject to potential adjustment, and slice_sizes contain the sizes of the slice for each dimension.

More formally, result[i0, ..., iR-1] = operand[j0, ..., jR-1] where:

  • jd = adjusted_start_indices[d][] + id.
  • adjusted_start_indices = clamp(0, start_indices, shape(operand) - slice_sizes).


Name Type
operand tensor
start_indices variadic number of 0-dimensional tensors of integer type
slice_sizes 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) operand and result have the same element type.
  • (C2) size(start_indices) \(=\) size(slice_sizes) \(=\) rank(operand).
  • (C3) All start_indices have the same type.
  • (C4) slice_sizes[k] \(\in\) [0, dim(operand, k)) for all k \(\in\) [0, rank(operand)).
  • (C5) shape(result) \(=\) slice_sizes.


// %operand: [
//            [0, 0, 1, 1],
//            [0, 0, 1, 1],
//            [0, 0, 0, 0],
//            [0, 0, 0, 0]
//           ]
// %start_indices0: -1
// %start_indices1: 3
%result = "stablehlo.dynamic_slice"(%operand, %start_indices0, %start_indices1) {
  slice_sizes = dense<[2, 2]> : tensor<2xi64>
} : (tensor<4x4xi32>, tensor<i64>, tensor<i64>) -> tensor<2x2xi32>
// %result: [
//           [1, 1],
//           [1, 1]
//          ]



Produces a result tensor which is equal to the operand tensor except that the slice starting at start_indices is updated with the values in update.

More formally, result[i0, ..., iR-1] is defined as:

  • update[j0, ..., jR-1] if jd = adjusted_start_indices[d][] + id where adjusted_start_indices = clamp(0, start_indices, shape(operand) - shape(update)).
  • operand[i0, ..., iR-1] otherwise.


Name Type
operand tensor
update tensor
start_indices variadic number of 0-dimensional tensors of integer type


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.
  • (C2) element_type(update) \(=\) element_type(operand).
  • (C3) rank(update) \(=\) rank(operand).
  • (C4) size(start_indices) \(=\) rank(operand).
  • (C5) All start_indices have the same type.
  • (C6) dim(update, k) \(\in\) [0, dim(operand, k)] for all k \(\in\) [0, rank(operand)).


// %operand: [
//            [1, 1, 0, 0],
//            [1, 1, 0, 0],
//            [1, 1, 1, 1],
//            [1, 1, 1, 1]
//           ]
// %update: [
//           [1, 1],
//           [1, 1]
//          ]
// %start_indices0: -1
// %start_indices1: 3
%result = "stablehlo.dynamic_update_slice"(%operand, %update, %start_indices0, %start_indices1)
  : (tensor<4x4xi32>, tensor<2x2xi32>, tensor<i64>, tensor<i64>) -> tensor<4x4xi32>
// %result: [
//           [1, 1, 1, 1],
//           [1, 1, 1, 1],
//           [1, 1, 1, 1],
//           [1, 1, 1, 1]
//          ]



Performs element-wise exponential operation on operand tensor and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For floats: exp from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: complex exponential.


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point or complex type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// %operand: [[0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0]]
%result = "stablehlo.exponential"(%operand) : (tensor<2x2xf32>) -> tensor<2x2xf32>
// %result: [[1.0, 2.71828183], [7.38905610, 20.08553692]]

// %operand: (1.0, 2.0)
%result = "stablehlo.exponential"(%operand) : (tensor<complex<f32>>) -> tensor<complex<f32>>
// %result: (-1.13120438, 2.47172667)



Performs element-wise exponential minus one operation on operand tensor and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For floats: expm1 from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: complex exponential minus one.


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point or complex type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// %operand: [0.0, 1.0]
%result = "stablehlo.exponential_minus_one"(%operand) : (tensor<2xf32>) -> tensor<2xf32>
// %result: [0.0, 1.71828187]



Performs the forward and inverse Fourier transforms for real and complex inputs/outputs.

fft_type is one of the following:

  • FFT: Forward complex-to-complex FFT.
  • IFFT: Inverse complex-to-complex FFT.
  • RFFT: Forward real-to-complex FFT.
  • IRFFT: Inverse real-to-complex FFT (i.e. takes complex, returns real).

More formally, given the function fft which takes 1-dimensional tensors of complex types as input, produces 1-dimensional tensors of same types as output and computes the discrete Fourier transform:

For fft_type = FFT, result is defined as the final result of a series of L computations where L = size(fft_length). For example, for L = 3:

  • result1[i0, ..., :] = fft(operand[i0, ..., :]) for all i.
  • result2[i0, ..., :, iR-1] = fft(result1[i0, ..., :, iR-1]) for all i.
  • result[i0, ..., :, iR-2, iR-1] = fft(result2[i0, ..., :, iR-2, iR-1]) for all i.

Furthermore, given the function ifft which has the same type signature and computes the inverse of fft:

For fft_type = IFFT, result is defined as the inverse of the computations for fft_type = FFT. For example, for L = 3:

  • result1[i0, ..., :, iR-2, iR-1] = ifft(operand[i0, ..., :, iR-2, iR-1]) for all i.
  • result2[i0, ..., :, iR-1] = ifft(result1[i0, ..., :, iR-1]) for all i.
  • result[i0, ..., :] = ifft(result2[i0, ..., :]) for all i.

Furthermore, given the function rfft which takes 1-dimensional tensors of floating-point types, produces 1-dimensional tensors of complex types of the same floating-point semantics and works as follows:

  • rfft(real_operand) = truncated_result where
  • complex_operand[i] = (real_operand, 0) for all i.
  • complex_result = fft(complex_operand).
  • truncated_result = complex_result[:(rank(complex_result) / 2 + 1)].

(When the discrete Fourier transform is computed for real operands, the first N/2 + 1 elements of the result unambiguously define the rest of the result, so the result of rfft is truncated to avoid computing redundant elements).

For fft_type = RFFT, result is defined as the final result of a series of L computations where L = size(fft_length). For example, for L = 3:

  • result1[i0, ..., :] = rfft(operand[i0, ..., :]) for all i.
  • result2[i0, ..., :, iR-1] = fft(result1[i0, ..., :, iR-1]) for all i.
  • result[i0, ..., :, iR-2, iR-1] = fft(result2[i0, ..., :, iR-2, iR-1]) for all i.

Finally, given the function irfft which has the same type signature and computes the inverse of rfft:

For fft_type = IRFFT, result is defined as the inverse of the computations for fft_type = RFFT. For example, for L = 3:

  • result1[i0, ..., :, iR-2, iR-1] = ifft(operand[i0, ..., :, iR-2, iR-1]) for all i.
  • result2[i0, ..., :, iR-1] = ifft(result1[i0, ..., :, iR-1]) for all i.
  • result[i0, ..., :] = irfft(result2[i0, ..., :]) for all i.


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point or complex type
fft_type enum of FFT, IFFT, RFFT, and IRFFT
fft_length 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point or complex type


  • (C1) rank(operand) \(\ge\) size(fft_length).
  • (C2) The relationship between operand and result element types varies:
  • If fft_type = FFT, element_type(operand) and element_type(result) have the same complex type.
  • If fft_type = IFFT, element_type(operand) and element_type(result) have the same complex type.
  • If fft_type = RFFT, element_type(operand) is a floating-point type and element_type(result) is a complex type of the same floating-point semantics.
  • If fft_type = IRFFT, element_type(operand) is a complex type and element_type(result) is a floating-point type of the same floating-point semantics.
  • (C3) 1 \(\le\) size(fft_length) \(\le\) 3.
  • (C4) If among operand and result, there is a tensor real of a floating-point type, then dims(real)[-size(fft_length):] = fft_length.
  • (C5) dim(result, d) = dim(operand, d) for all d, except for:
  • If fft_type = RFFT, dim(result, -1) = dim(operand, -1) == 0 ? 0 : dim(operand, -1) / 2 + 1.
  • If fft_type = IRFFT, dim(operand, -1) = dim(result, -1) == 0 ? 0 : dim(result, -1) / 2 + 1.


// %operand: [(1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0)]
%result = "stablehlo.fft"(%operand) {
  fft_type = #stablehlo<fft_type FFT>,
  fft_length = dense<4> : tensor<1xi64>
} : (tensor<4xcomplex<f32>>) -> tensor<4xcomplex<f32>>
// %result: [(1.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0)]



Performs element-wise floor of operand tensor and produces a result tensor. Implements the roundToIntegralTowardNegative operation from the IEEE-754 specification.


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point type


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// %operand: [-0.8166, -0.2530, 0.2530, 0.8166, 2.0]
%result = "stablehlo.floor"(%operand) : (tensor<5xf32>) -> tensor<5xf32>
// %result: [-1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0]

 More Examples



Gathers slices from operand tensor from offsets specified in start_indices and produces a result tensor.

The following diagram shows how elements in result map on elements in operand using a concrete example. The diagram picks a few example result indices and explains in detail which operand indices they correspond to.

More formally, result[result_index] = operand[operand_index] where:

  • batch_dims = [d for d in axes(result) and d not in offset_dims].
  • batch_index = [result_index[d] for d in batch_dims].
  • start_index =
  • start_indices[bi0, ..., :, ..., biN] where bi are individual elements in batch_index and : is inserted at the index_vector_dim index, if index_vector_dim < rank(start_indices).
  • [start_indices[batch_index]] otherwise.
  • For do in axes(operand),
  • full_start_index[do] = start_index[ds] if do = start_index_map[ds].
  • full_start_index[do] = 0 otherwise.
  • offset_index = [result_index[d] for d in offset_dims].
  • full_offset_index = [oi0, ..., 0, ..., oiN] where oi are individual elements in offset_index, and 0 is inserted at indices from collapsed_slice_dims.
  • operand_index = add(full_start_index, full_offset_index). If operand_index is out of bounds for operand, then the behavior is implementation-defined.

If indices_are_sorted is true then the implementation can assume that start_indices are sorted with respect to start_index_map, otherwise the behavior is undefined. More formally, for all id < jd from indices(result), full_start_index(id) <= full_start_index(jd).


Name Type Constraints
operand tensor (C1), (C10), (C11), (C12), (C15)
start_indices tensor of integer type (C2), (C3), (C13)
offset_dims 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C1), (C4), (C5),
collapsed_slice_dims 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C1), (C6), (C7), (C8), (C13)
start_index_map 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C3), (C9), (C10)
index_vector_dim constant of type si64 (C2), (C3), (C13)
slice_sizes 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C7), (C8), (C11), (C12), (C13)
indices_are_sorted constant of type i1


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) rank(operand) \(=\) size(offset_dims) \(+\) size(collapsed_slice_dims).
  • (C2) \(0 \le\) index_vector_dim \(\le\) rank(start_indices).
  • (C3) size(start_index_map) \(=\) index_vector_dim \(\lt\) rank(start_indices) ? dim(start_indices, index_vector_dim) : 1.
  • (C4) All dimensions in offset_dims are unique and sorted in ascending order.
  • (C5) \(0 \le\) offset_dims[i] \(\lt\) rank(result) \(\forall i\) such that \(0 \le\) i \(\lt\) size(offset_dims).
  • (C6) All dimensions in collapsed_slice_dims are unique and sorted in ascending order.
  • (C7) \(0 \le\) collapsed_slice_dims[i] \(\lt\) size(slice_sizes) \(\forall i\) such that \(0 \le\) i \(\lt\) size(collapsed_slice_dims).
  • (C8) slice_sizes[i] \(\le\) 1 \(\forall i \in\) collapsed_slice_dims.
  • (C9) All dimensions in start_index_map are unique.
  • (C10) \(0 \le\) start_index_map[i] \(\lt\) rank(operand) \(\forall i\) such that \(0 \le\) i \(\lt\) size(start_index_map).
  • (C11) size(slice_sizes) \(=\) rank(operand).
  • (C12) \(0 \le\) slice_sizes[i] \(\le\) dim(operand, i) \(\forall i\) such that \(0 \le\) i \(\lt\) size(slice_sizes).
  • (C13) shape(result) \(=\) combine(batch_dim_sizes, offset_dim_sizes) where:
  • batch_dim_sizes = shape(start_indices) except that the dimension size of start_indices corresponding to index_vector_dim is not included.
  • offset_dim_sizes = shape(slice_sizes) except that the dimension sizes in slice_sizes corresponding to collapsed_slice_dims are not included.
  • combine puts batch_dim_sizes at axes corresponding to batch_dims and offset_dim_sizes at axes corresponding to offset_dims.
  • (C15) operand and result have the same element type.


// %operand: [
//            [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]],
//            [[9, 10],[11, 12], [13, 14], [15, 16]],
//            [[17, 18], [19, 20], [21, 22], [23, 24]]
//           ]
// %start_indices: [
//                  [[0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 1]],
//                  [[0, 1], [1, 1], [0, 2]]
//                 ]
%result = "stablehlo.gather"(%operand, %start_indices) {
  dimension_numbers = #stablehlo.gather<
    offset_dims = [2, 3],
    collapsed_slice_dims = [0],
    start_index_map = [1, 0],
    index_vector_dim = 2>,
  slice_sizes = dense<[1, 2, 2]> : tensor<3xi64>,
  indices_are_sorted = false
} : (tensor<3x4x2xi32>, tensor<2x3x2xi64>) -> tensor<2x3x2x2xi32>
// %result: [
//            [
//              [[1, 2], [3, 4]],
//              [[3, 4], [5, 6]],
//              [[13, 14], [15, 16]]
//            ],
//            [
//              [[9, 10], [11, 12]],
//              [[11, 12], [13, 14]],
//              [[17, 18], [19, 20]]
//            ]
//          ]



Produces the size of the given dimension of the operand.


Name Type
operand tensor
dimension constant of type si64


Name Type
result 0-dimensional tensor of type si32


  • (C1) 0 \(\le\) dimension \(\lt\) rank(operand). todo


// %operand: [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
%result = "stablehlo.get_dimension_size"(%operand) {
  dimension = 1 : i64
} : (tensor<2x3xf32>) -> tensor<i32>
// %result: 3



Extracts element at index position of the operand tuple and produces a result.


Name Type
operand tuple
index constant of type si32


Name Type
result any supported type


  • (C1) 0 \(\le\) index \(\lt\) size(operand).
  • (C2) type(operand[index]) \(=\) type(result).


// %operand: ([1.0, 2.0], (3))
%result = "stablehlo.get_tuple_element"(%operand) {
  index = 0 : i32
} : (tuple<tensor<2xf32>, tuple<tensor<i32>>>) -> tensor<2xf32>
// %result: [1.0, 2.0]



Produces the output from executing exactly one function from true_branch or false_branch depending on the value of pred. Formally, if pred is true, output of true_branch is returned, else if pred is false, output of false_branch is returned.


Name Type
pred 1-dimensional tensor constant of type i1
true_branch function
false_branch function


Name Type
results variadic number of tensors or tokens


  • (C1) true_branch and false_branch have 0 inputs.
  • (C2) true_branch and false_branch have the same output types.
  • (C3) For all i, type(results[i]) = type(true_branch).outputs[i].


// %result_true_branch: 10
// %result_false_branch: 11
// %pred: true
%result = "stablehlo.if"(%pred) ({
  "stablehlo.return"(%result_true_branch) : (tensor<i32>) -> ()
}, {
  "stablehlo.return"(%result_false_branch) : (tensor<i32>) -> ()
}) : (tensor<i1>) -> tensor<i32>
// %result: 10



Extracts the imaginary part, element-wise, from the operand and produces a result tensor. More formally, for each element x: imag(x) = is_complex(x) ? x.imag : 0.0.


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point type


  • (C1) shape(result) = shape(operand).
  • (C2) element_type(result) \(=\)
  • element_type(operand) if it's a floating-point type.
  • real_type(element_type(operand)) otherwise.


// %operand: [(1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0)]
%result = "stablehlo.imag"(%operand) : (tensor<2xcomplex<f32>>) -> tensor<2xf32>
// %result: [2.0, 4.0]



Reads data from the infeed and produces results.

Semantics of infeed_config is implementation-defined.

results consist of payload values which come first and a token which comes last. The operation produces a token to reify the side effect of this operation as a value that other operations can take a data dependency on.


Name Type
token token
infeed_config constant of type string


Name Type
results variadic number of tensors or tokens



%results0, %results1 = "stablehlo.infeed"(%token) {
  infeed_config = ""
} : (!stablehlo.token) -> (tensor<3x3x3xi32>, !stablehlo.token)



Fills an output tensor with values in increasing order starting from zero along the iota_dimension dimension. More formally, output[i0, ..., id, ..., iR-1] = id, where d is equal to iota_dimension.


Name Type
iota_dimension si64


Name Type
output tensor of integer, floating-point or complex type


  • (C1) 0 \(\le\) iota_dimension \(\lt\) rank(output).


%output = "stablehlo.iota"() {
  iota_dimension = 0 : i64
} : () -> tensor<4x5xi32>
// %output: [
//           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
//           [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
//           [2, 2, 2, 2, 2],
//           [3, 3, 3, 3, 3]
//          ]

%output = "stablehlo.iota"() {
  iota_dimension = 1 : i64
} : () -> tensor<4x5xi32>
// %output: [
//           [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
//           [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
//           [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
//           [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
//          ]

 More Examples



Performs element-wise check whether the value in x is finite (i.e. is neither +Inf, -Inf, nor NaN) and produces a y tensor. Implements the isFinite operation from the IEEE-754 specification.


Name Type
x tensor of floating-point type


Name Type
y tensor of boolean type


  • (C1) x and y have the same shape.


// Logical values: -Inf, +Inf, NaN, ...
// %x: [0xFF800000, 0x7F800000, 0x7FFFFFFF, -10.0, -0.0, 0.0, 10.0]
%y = "stablehlo.is_finite"(%x) : (tensor<7xf32>) -> tensor<7xi1>
// %y: [false, false, false, true, true, true, true]



Performs element-wise logarithm operation on operand tensor and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For floats: log from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: complex logarithm.


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point or complex type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// %operand: [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]
%result = "stablehlo.log"(%operand) : (tensor<2x2xf32>) -> tensor<2x2xf32>
// %result: [[0.0, 0.69314718], [1.09861229, 1.38629436]]

// %operand: (1.0, 2.0)
%result = "stablehlo.log"(%operand) : (tensor<complex<f32>>) -> tensor<complex<f32>>
// %result: (0.80471896, 1.10714871)



Performs element-wise logarithm plus one operation on operand tensor and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For floats: logp1 from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: complex logarithm plus one.


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point or complex type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// %operand: [-2.0, -0.0, -0.999, 7.0, 6.38905621, 15.0]
%result = "stablehlo.log_plus_one"(%operand) : (tensor<6xf32>) -> tensor<6xf32>
// %result: [-nan, 0.0, -6.90776825, 2.07944155, 2.0, 2.77258873]



Performs element-wise logistic operation on operand tensor and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For floats: division(1, addition(1, exp(-x))) from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: complex logistic.


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point or complex type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// %operand: [[0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0]]
%result = "stablehlo.logistic"(%operand) : (tensor<2x2xf32>) -> tensor<2x2xf32>
// %result: [[0.5, 0.73105858], [0.88079708, 0.95257413]]

// %operand: (1.0, 2.0)
%result = "stablehlo.logistic"(%operand) : (tensor<complex<f32>>) -> tensor<complex<f32>>
// %result: (1.02141536, 0.40343871)



Applies a map function computation to inputs along the dimensions and produces a result tensor.

More formally, result[i0, ..., iR-1] = computation(inputs[0][i0, ..., iR-1], ..., inputs[N-1][i0, ..., iR-1]).


Name Type
inputs variadic number of tensors
dimensions 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64
computation function


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) All inputs and result have the same shape.
  • (C2) size(inputs) \(=\) N \(\ge\) 1.
  • (C3) dimensions = [0, ..., R-1], where R \(=\) rank(inputs[0]).
  • (C4) computation has type (tensor<E0>, ..., tensor<EN-1>) -> tensor<E'> where Ek \(=\) element_type(inputs[k]) and E' \(=\) element_type(result).


// %input0: [[0, 1], [2, 3]]
// %input1: [[4, 5], [6, 7]]
%result = ""(%input0, %input1) ({
  ^bb0(%arg0: tensor<i32>, %arg1: tensor<i32>):
    %0 = stablehlo.multiply %arg0, %arg1 : tensor<i32>
    stablehlo.return %0 : tensor<i32>
}) {
  dimensions = dense<[0, 1]> : tensor<2xi64>
} : (tensor<2x2xi32>, tensor<2x2xi32>) -> tensor<2x2xi32>
// %result: [[0, 5], [12, 21]]



Performs element-wise max operation on tensors lhs and rhs and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For booleans: logical OR.
  • For integers: integer maximum.
  • For floats: maximum from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: lexicographic maximum for the (real, imaginary) pair.


Name Type
lhs tensor
rhs tensor


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) lhs, rhs and result have the same type.


// %lhs: [[1, 2], [7, 8]]
// %rhs: [[5, 6], [3, 4]]
%result = "stablehlo.maximum"(%lhs, %rhs) : (tensor<2x2xi32>, tensor<2x2xi32>) -> tensor<2x2xi32>
// %result: [[5, 6], [7, 8]]

 More Examples



Performs element-wise min operation on tensors lhs and rhs and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For booleans: logical AND.
  • For integers: integer minimum.
  • For floats: minimum from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: lexicographic minimum for the (real, imaginary) pair.


Name Type
lhs tensor
rhs tensor


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) lhs, rhs and result have the same type.


// %lhs: [[1, 2], [7, 8]]
// %rhs: [[5, 6], [3, 4]]
%result = "stablehlo.minimum"(%lhs, %rhs) : (tensor<2x2xi32>, tensor<2x2xi32>) -> tensor<2x2xi32>
// %result: [[1, 2], [3, 4]]

 More Examples



Performs element-wise product of two tensors lhs and rhs and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For booleans: logical AND.
  • For integers: integer multiplication.
  • For floats: multiplication from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: complex multiplication.


Name Type
lhs tensor
rhs tensor


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) lhs, rhs and result have the same type.


// %lhs: [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
// %rhs: [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
%result = "stablehlo.multiply"(%lhs, %rhs) : (tensor<2x2xi32>, tensor<2x2xi32>) -> tensor<2x2xi32>
// %result: [[5, 12], [21, 32]]

 More Examples



Performs element-wise negation of operand tensor and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For signed integers: integer negation.
  • For unsigned integers: bitcast to signed integer, integer negation, bitcast back to unsigned integer.
  • For floats: negate from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: complex negation.


Name Type
operand tensor of integer, floating-point, or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of integer, floating-point, or complex type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// Negation operation with integer Tensors
// %operand: [0, -2]
%result = "stablehlo.negate"(%operand) : (tensor<2xi32>) -> tensor<2xi32>
// %result: [0, 2]

// Negation operation with with complex tensors
// %operand: (2.5, 0.0)
%result = "stablehlo.negate"(%operand) : (tensor<1xcomplex<f32>>) -> tensor<1xcomplex<f32>>
// %result: [-2.5, -0.0]

 More Examples



Performs element-wise NOT of tensor operand and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For booleans: logical NOT.
  • For integers: bitwise NOT.


Name Type
operand tensor of boolean or integer type


Name Type
result tensor of boolean or integer type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// Bitwise operation with with integer tensors
// %operand: [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
%result = "stablehlo.not"(%operand) : (tensor<2x2xi32>) -> tensor<2x2xi32>
// %result: [[-2, -3], [-4, -5]]

// Bitwise operation with with boolean tensors
// %operand: [true, false]
%result = "stablehlo.not"(%operand) : (tensor<2xi1>) -> tensor<2xi1>
// %result: [false, true]



Ensures that the operations that produce the operand are executed before any operations that depend on the result and prevents compiler transformations from moving operations across the barrier. Other than that, the operation is an identity, i.e. result = operand.


Name Type
operand variadic number of tensors or tokens


Name Type
result variadic number of tensors or tokens


  • (C1) size(operand) \(=\) size(result).
  • (C2) type(operand[i]) \(=\) type(result[i]) for all i.


// %operand0: 0.0
// %operand1: 1.0
%result0, %result1 = "stablehlo.optimization_barrier"(%operand0, %operand1) : (tensor<f32>, tensor<f32>) -> (tensor<f32>, tensor<f32>)
// %result0: 0.0
// %result1: 1.0



Performs element-wise OR of two tensors lhs and rhs and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For booleans: logical OR.
  • For integers: bitwise OR.


Name Type
lhs tensor of integer or boolean type
rhs tensor of integer or boolean type


Name Type
result tensor of integer or boolean type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// Bitwise operation with with integer tensors
// %lhs: [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
// %rhs: [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
%result = "stablehlo.or"(%lhs, %rhs) : (tensor<2x2xi32>, tensor<2x2xi32>) -> tensor<2x2xi32>
// %result: [[5, 6], [7, 12]]

// Logical operation with with boolean tensors
// %lhs: [[false, false], [true, true]]
// %rhs: [[false, true], [false, true]]
%result = "stablehlo.or"(%lhs, %rhs) : (tensor<2x2xi1>, tensor<2x2xi1>) -> tensor<2x2xi1>
// %result: [[false, true], [true, true]]



Writes inputs to the outfeed and produces a result token.

Semantics of outfeed_config is implementation-defined.

The operation takes a token and produces a token to reify its side effects as a value that other operations can take a data dependency on.


Name Type
inputs variadic number of tensors
token token
outfeed_config constant of type string


Name Type
result token


%result = "stablehlo.outfeed"(%input0, %token) {
  outfeed_config = ""
} : (tensor<3x3x3xi32>, !stablehlo.token) -> !stablehlo.token



Expands operand by padding around the tensor as well as between the elements of the tensor with the given padding_value.

edge_padding_low and edge_padding_high specify the amount of padding added at the low-end (next to index 0) and the high-end (next to the highest index) of each dimension respectively. The amount of padding can be negative, where the absolute value of negative padding indicates the number of elements to remove from the specified dimension.

interior_padding specifies the amount of padding added between any two elements in each dimension which may not be negative. Interior padding occurs before edge padding such that negative edge padding will remove elements from the interior-padded operand.

More formally, result[i0, ..., iR-1] is equal to:

  • operand[j0, ..., jR-1] if id = edge_padding_low[d] + jd * (interior_padding[d] + 1).
  • padding_value[] otherwise.


Name Type
operand tensor
padding_value 0-dimensional tensor
edge_padding_low 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64
edge_padding_high 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64
interior_padding 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) operand, padding_value, result have the same element type.
  • (C2) edge_padding_low, edge_padding_high, interior_padding have the size equal to operand's rank.
  • (C3) 0 \(\le\) interior_padding[i] for all i values in interior_padding.
  • (C4) 0 \(\le\) dim(result, i) for all ith dimension of operand, where dim(result, i) = di + max(di - 1, 0) * interior_padding[i] + edge_padding_low[i] + edge_padding_high[i] and di = dim(operand, i).


// %operand: [
//            [1, 2, 3],
//            [4, 5, 6]
//           ]
// %padding_value: 0
%result = "stablehlo.pad"(%operand, %padding_value) {
  edge_padding_low = dense<[0, 1]> : tensor<2xi64>,
  edge_padding_high = dense<[2, 1]> : tensor<2xi64>,
  interior_padding = dense<[1, 2]> : tensor<2xi64>
} : (tensor<2x3xi32>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<5x9xi32>
// %result: [
//           [0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 0],
//           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
//           [0, 4, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 6, 0],
//           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
//           [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
//          ]



Produces partition_id of the current process.


Name Type
result 0-dimensional tensor of type ui32


%result = "stablehlo.partition_id"() : () -> tensor<ui32>



Performs element-wise count of the number of bits set in the operand tensor and produces a result tensor.


Name Type
operand tensor of integer type


Name Type
result tensor of integer type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// %operand: [0, 1, 2, 127]
%result = "stablehlo.popcnt"(%operand) : (tensor<4xi8>) -> tensor<4xi8>
// %result: [0, 1, 1, 7]



Performs element-wise exponentiation of lhs tensor by rhs tensor and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For integers: integer exponentiation.
  • For floats: pow from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: complex exponentiation.


Name Type
lhs tensor of integer, floating-point, or complex type
rhs tensor of integer, floating-point, or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of integer, floating-point, or complex type


  • (C1) lhs, rhs, and result have the same type.


// %lhs: [-2.0, -0.0, -36.0, 5.0, 3.0, 10000.0]
// %rhs: [2.0, 2.0, 1.1, 2.0, -1.0, 10.0]
%result = "stablehlo.power"(%lhs, %rhs) : (tensor<6xf32>, tensor<6xf32>) -> tensor<6xf32>
// %result: [4.0, 0.0, -nan, 25.0, 0.333333343, inf]



Extracts the real part, element-wise, from the operand and produces a result tensor. More formally, for each element x: real(x) = is_complex(x) ? x.real : x.


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point type


  • (C1) shape(result) = shape(operand).
  • (C2) element_type(result) \(=\)
  • element_type(operand) if it's a floating-point type.
  • real_type(element_type(operand)) otherwise.


// %operand: [(1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0)]
%result = "stablehlo.real"(%operand) : (tensor<2xcomplex<f32>>) -> tensor<2xf32>
// %result: [1.0, 3.0]



Receives data from a channel with channel_id and produces results.

If is_host_transfer is true, then the operation transfers data from the host. Otherwise, it transfers data from another device. What this means is implementation-defined.

results consist of payload values which come first and a token which comes last. The operation produces a token to reify its side effects as a value that other operations can take a data dependency on.


Name Type
token token
channel_id constant of type si64
channel_type enum of DEVICE_TO_DEVICE and HOST_TO_DEVICE
is_host_transfer constant of type i1


Name Type
results variadic number of tensors or tokens


  • (C1) todo channel_type must be
  • HOST_TO_DEVICE, if is_host_transfer \(=\) true,
  • DEVICE_TO_DEVICE, otherwise.
  • (C2) size(results) \(\ge\) 1.
  • (C3) type(results[-1]) \(=\) token.


%results0, %results1 = "stablehlo.recv"(%token) {
  // channel_id = 5 : i64,
  // channel_type = #stablehlo<channel_type HOST_TO_DEVICE>,
  channel_handle = #stablehlo.channel_handle<handle = 5, type = 3>,
  is_host_transfer = true
} : (!stablehlo.token) -> (tensor<3x4xi32>, !stablehlo.token)



Applies a reduction function body to inputs and init_values along the dimensions and produces a result tensor.

The order of reductions is implementation-defined, which means that body and init_values must form a monoid to guarantee that the operation produces the same results for all inputs on all implementations.

However, this condition doesn't hold for many popular reductions. E.g. floating-point addition for body and zero for init_values don't actually form a monoid because floating-point addition is not associative.

More formally, results[:][j0, ..., jR-1] = reduce(input_slices) where:

  • input_slices = inputs[:][j0, ..., :, ..., jR-1], where : are inserted at dimensions.
  • reduce(input_slices) = exec(schedule) for some binary tree schedule where:
  • exec(node) = body(exec(node.left), exec(node.right)).
  • exec(leaf) = leaf.value.
  • schedule is an implementation-defined full binary tree whose in-order traversal consists of:
  • input_slices[:][index] values, for all index in the index space of input_slices, in the ascending lexicographic order of index.
  • Interspersed with an implementation-defined amount of init_values at implementation-defined positions.


Name Type
inputs variadic number of tensors
init_values variadic number of 0-dimensional tensors
dimensions 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64
body function


Name Type
results variadic number of tensors


  • (C1) All inputs have the same shape.
  • (C2) element_type(inputs[k]) \(=\) element_type(init_values[k]) \(=\) element_type(results[k]) for all k \(\in\) [0, N).
  • (C3) size(inputs) \(=\) size(init_values) \(=\) size(results) \(=\) N where N >= 1.
  • (C4) 0 \(\le\) dimensions[d] \(\lt\) rank(inputs[0][d]) for all dimension d.
  • (C5) All dimensions in dimensions are unique.
  • (C6) body has type (tensor<E0>, ..., tensor<EN-1>, tensor<E0>, ..., tensor<EN-1>) -> (tensor<E0>, ..., tensor<EN-1>) where Ek = element_type(inputs[k]).
  • (C7) shape(results[k]) \(=\) shape(inputs[k]) except that the dimension sizes of inputs[k] corresponding to dimensions are not included.


// %input = [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
// %init_value = 0
%result = "stablehlo.reduce"(%input, %init_value) ({
  ^bb0(%arg0: tensor<i32>, %arg1: tensor<i32>):
    %0 = "stablehlo.add"(%arg0, %arg1) : (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<i32>
    "stablehlo.return"(%0) : (tensor<i32>) -> ()
}) {
  dimensions = dense<1> : tensor<1xi64>
} : (tensor<1x6xi32>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<1xi32>
// %result = [15]



Performs element-wise conversion of operand to another floating-point type that uses exponent_bits and mantissa_bits and back to the original floating-point type and produces a result tensor.

More formally:

  • The mantissa bits of the original value are updated to round the original value to the nearest value representable with mantissa_bits using roundToIntegralTiesToEven semantics.
  • Then, if mantissa_bits are smaller than the number of mantissa bits of the original value, the mantissa bits are truncated to mantissa_bits.
  • Then, if the exponent bits of the intermediate result don't fit into the range provided by exponent_bits, the intermediate result overflows to infinity using the original sign or underflows to zero using the original sign.


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point type
exponent_bits constant of type si32
mantissa_bits constant of type si32


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.
  • (C2) exponent_bits \(\ge\) 1.
  • (C3) mantissa_bits \(\ge\) 0.


// Logical values: -Inf, +Inf, NaN, ...
// %operand: [0xFF800000, 0x7F800000, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0.0, 1000.0, 1000000.0]
%result = "stablehlo.reduce_precision"(%operand) {
  exponent_bits = 5 : i32,
  mantissa_bits = 2 : i32
} : (tensor<6xf32>) -> tensor<6xf32>
// Logical values: -Inf, +Inf, NaN, NaN, 0.0, 1024.0, +Inf
// %result: [0xFF800000, 0x7F800000, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0.0, 1024.0, 0x7F800000]



Within each process group in the StableHLO process grid, performs reduction, using computations, over the values of the operand tensor from each process, splits the reduction result along scatter_dimension into parts, and scatters the split parts between the processes to produce the result.

The operation splits the StableHLO process grid into process_groups as follows:

  • channel_id <= 0 and use_global_device_ids = false, cross_replica(replica_groups).
  • channel_id > 0 and use_global_device_ids = false, cross_replica_and_partition(replica_groups).
  • channel_id > 0 and use_global_device_ids = true, flattened_ids(replica_groups).

Afterwards, within each process_group:

  • reduced_value = all_reduce(operand, replica_groups, channel_id, use_global_device_ids, computation).
  • parts@sender = split(reduced_value@sender, dim(process_groups, 1), split_dimension).
  • result@receiver = parts@sender[receiver_index] for any sender in process_group, where receiver_index = index_of(receiver, process_group).


Name Type
operand tensor
scatter_dimension constant of type si64
replica_groups 2-dimensional tensor constant of type si64
channel_id constant of type si64
use_global_device_ids constant of type i1
computation function


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) dim(operand, scatter_dimension) % dim(process_groups, 1) \(=\) 0.
  • (C2) scatter_dimension \(\in\) [0, rank(operand)).
  • (C3) All values in replica_groups are unique.
  • (C4) size(replica_groups) depends on the process grouping strategy:
  • If cross_replica, num_replicas.
  • If cross_replica_and_partition, num_replicas.
  • If flattened_ids, num_processes.
  • (C5) \(0 \le\) replica_groups[i] \(\lt\) size(replica_groups) \(\forall i\) in indices(replica_groups).
  • (C6) If use_global_device_ids = true, then channel_id > 0. todo
  • (C7) computation has type (tensor<E>, tensor<E>) -> (tensor<E>) where E = element_type(operand).
  • (C8) type(result) = type(operand) except:
  • dim(result, scatter_dimension) = dim(operand, scatter_dimension) / dim(process_groups, 1).


// num_replicas: 2
// num_partitions: 1
// %operand@(0, 0): [
//                   [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0],
//                   [5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]
//                  ]
// %operand@(1, 0): [
//                   [9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0],
//                   [13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0]
//                  ]
%result = "stablehlo.reduce_scatter"(%operand) ({
  ^bb0(%arg0: tensor<f32>, %arg1: tensor<f32>):
  %0 = "stablehlo.add"(%arg0, %arg1) : (tensor<f32>, tensor<f32>) -> tensor<f32>
  "stablehlo.return"(%0) : (tensor<f32>) -> ()
}) {
  scatter_dimension = 1 : i64,
  replica_groups = dense<[[0, 1]]> : tensor<1x2xi64>,
  // channel_id = 0
  channel_handle = #stablehlo.channel_handle<handle = 0, type = 0>
  // use_global_device_ids = false
} : (tensor<2x4xf32>) -> tensor<2x2xf32>
// %result@(0, 0): [
//                  [10.0, 12.0],
//                  [18.0, 20.0]
//                 ]
// %result@(1, 0): [
//                  [14.0, 16.0],
//                  [22.0, 24.0]
//                 ]



Applies a reduction function body to windows of inputs and init_values and produces results.

The following diagram shows how elements in results[k] are computed from inputs[k] using a concrete example.

More formally, results[:][result_index] = reduce(windows, init_values, axes(inputs[:]), body) where:

  • padded_inputs = pad(inputs[:], init_values[:], padding[:, 0], padding[:, 1], base_dilations).
  • window_start = result_index * window_strides.
  • windows = slice(padded_inputs[:], window_start, window_start + window_dimensions, window_dilations).


Name Type Constraints
inputs variadic number of tensors (C1-C4), (C6), (C8), (C10), (C12), (C13), (C15)
init_values variadic number of 0-dimensional tensors (C1), (C13), (C16)
window_dimensions 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C4), (C5), (C15)
window_strides 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C6), (C7), (C15)
base_dilations 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C8), (C9), (C15)
window_dilations 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C10), (C11), (C15)
padding 2-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C12), (C15)
body function (C13)


Name Type Constraints
results variadic number of tensors (C1), (C14-C16)


  • (C1) size(inputs) \(=\) size(init_values) \(=\) size(results) \(=\) N and N \(\ge\) 1.
  • (C2) All inputs have the same shape.
  • (C3) element_type(inputs[k]) = element_type(init_values[k]) for any k \(\in\) [0, N).
  • (C4) size(window_dimensions) \(=\) rank(inputs[0]).
  • (C5) window_dimensions[i] \(\gt 0\) for all i \(\in\) [0, size(window_dimensions)).
  • (C6) size(window_strides) \(=\) rank(inputs[0]).
  • (C7) window_strides[i] \(\gt 0\) for all i \(\in\) [0, size(window_strides)).
  • (C8) size(base_dilations) \(=\) rank(inputs[0]).
  • (C9) base_dilations[i] \(\gt 0\) for all i \(\in\) [0, size(base_dilations)).
  • (C10) size(window_dilations) \(=\) rank(inputs[0]).
  • (C11) window_dilations[i] \(\gt 0\) for all i \(\in\) [0, size(window_dilations)).
  • (C12) dim(padding, 0) \(=\) rank(inputs[0]) and dim(padding, 1) = 2.
  • (C13) body has type (tensor<E0>, ..., tensor<EN-1>, tensor<E0>, ..., tensor<EN-1>) -> (tensor<E0>, ..., tensor<EN-1>) where Ek = element_type(inputs[0]).
  • (C14) All results have the same shape.
  • (C15) shape(results[0]) = num_windows
  • dilated_input_shape = shape(inputs[0]) == 0 ? 0 : (shape(inputs[0]) - 1) * base_dilations + 1.
  • padded_input_shape = padding[:, 0] + dilated_input_shape + padding[:, 1].
  • dilated_window_shape = window_dimensions == 0 ? 0 : (window_dimensions - 1) * window_dilations + 1.
  • num_windows = (padded_input_shape == 0 || dilated_window_shape > padded_input_shape) ? 0 : floor((padded_input_shape - dilated_window_shape) / window_strides) + 1.
  • (C16) element_type(results[k]) = element_type(init_values[k]) for any k \(\in\) [0, N).


// %input = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
// %init_value = 0
%result = "stablehlo.reduce_window"(%input, %init_value) ({
  ^bb0(%arg0: tensor<i32>, %arg1: tensor<i32>):
    %0 = "stablehlo.add"(%arg0, %arg1) : (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<i32>
    "stablehlo.return"(%0) : (tensor<i32>) -> ()
}) {
  window_dimensions = dense<[2, 1]> : tensor<2xi64>,
  window_strides = dense<[4, 1]> : tensor<2xi64>,
  base_dilations = dense<[2, 1]> : tensor<2xi64>,
  window_dilations = dense<[3, 1]> : tensor<2xi64>,
  padding = dense<[[2, 1], [0, 0]]> : tensor<2x2xi64>
} : (tensor<3x2xi32>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<2x2xi32>
// %result = [[0, 0], [3, 4]]



Performs element-wise remainder of dividend lhs and divisor rhs tensors and produces a result tensor.

More formally, the sign of the result is taken from the dividend, and the absolute value of the result is always less than the divisor's absolute value. The remainder is calculated as lhs - d * rhs, where d is given by:

  • For integers: stablehlo.divide(lhs, rhs).
  • For floats: division(lhs, rhs) from IEEE-754 with rounding attribute roundTowardZero.
  • For complex numbers: TBD

For floating-point element types, this operation is in contrast with the remainder operation from IEEE-754 specification where d is an integral value nearest to the exact value of lhs/rhs with ties to even.


Name Type
lhs tensor of integer, floating-point or complex type
rhs tensor of integer, floating-point or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of integer, floating-point or complex type


  • (C1) lhs, rhs and result have the same type.


// %lhs: [17.1, -17.1, 17.1, -17.1]
// %rhs: [3.0, 3.0, -3.0, -3.0]
%result = "stablehlo.remainder"(%lhs, %rhs) : (tensor<4xf32>, tensor<4xf32>) -> tensor<4xf32>
// %result: [2.1, -2.1, 2.1, -2.1]

// %lhs: [17, -17, 17, -17]
// %rhs: [3, 3, -3, -3]
%result = "stablehlo.remainder"(%lhs, %rhs) : (tensor<4xi32>, tensor<4xi32>) -> tensor<4xi32>
// %result: [2, -2, 2, -2]



Produces replica_id of the current process.


Name Type
result 0-dimensional tensor of type ui32


%result = "stablehlo.replica_id"() : () -> tensor<ui32>



Performs reshape of operand tensor to a result tensor. Conceptually, it amounts to keeping the same canonical representation but potentially changing the shape, e.g. from tensor<2x3xf32> to tensor<3x2xf32> or tensor<6xf32>.

More formally, result[i0, ..., iR-1] = operand[j0, ..., jR'-1] where i and j have the same position in the lexicographic ordering of the index spaces of result and operand.


Name Type
operand tensor


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) operand and result have the same element type.
  • (C2) operand and result have the same number of elements.


// %operand: [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]]
%result = "stablehlo.reshape"(%operand) : (tensor<2x3xi32>) -> tensor<3x2xi32>
// %result: [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]

 More Examples



Reverses the order of elements in the operand along the specified dimensions and produces a result tensor. More formally, result[i0, ..., ik,..., iR-1] = operand[i0, ..., ik',..., iR-1] where ik + ik' = dk - 1 for all dimensions k in dimensions.


Name Type
operand tensor
dimensions 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.
  • (C2) All dimensions in dimensions are unique.
  • (C3) For all dimensions k in dimensions, 0 \(\le\) dimensions[k] \(\lt\) rank(result).


// Reverse along dimension 0

// %operand = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
%result = "stablehlo.reverse"(%operand) {
  dimensions = dense<0> : tensor<i64>
} : (tensor<3x2xi32>) -> tensor<3x2xi32>
// %result: [[5, 6], [3, 4], [1, 2]]

// Reverse along dimension 1

// %operand = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
%result = "stablehlo.reverse"(%operand) {
  dimensions = dense<1> : tensor<i64>
} : (tensor<3x2xi32>) -> tensor<3x2xi32>
// %result: [[2, 1], [4, 3], [6, 5]]



Generates random numbers using the rng_distribution algorithm and produces a result tensor of a given shape shape.

If rng_distribution \(=\) UNIFORM, then the random numbers are generated following the uniform distribution over the interval [a, b). If a \(\ge\) b, the behavior is undefined.

If rng_distribution \(=\) NORMAL, then the random numbers are generated following the normal distribution with mean = a and standard deviation = b. If b \(\lt\) 0, the behavior is undefined.

The exact way how random numbers are generated is implementation-defined. For example, they may or may not be deterministic, and they may or may not use hidden state.


Name Type
a 0-dimensional tensor of integer, boolean, or floating-point type
b 0-dimensional tensor of integer, boolean, or floating-point type
shape 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64
rng_distribution enum of UNIFORM and NORMAL


Name Type
result tensor of integer, boolean, or floating-point type


  • (C1) a, b, and result have the same element type.
  • (C2) If rng_distribution = NORMAL, a, b, and result have the same floating-point element type.
  • (C3) shape(result) = shape.


// %a = 0
// %b = 2
// %shape = [3, 3]
%result = "stablehlo.rng"(%a, %b, %shape) {
  rng_distribution = #stablehlo<rng_distribution UNIFORM>
} : (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<2xi64>) -> tensor<3x3xi32>
// %result: [
//           [1, 0, 1],
//           [1, 1, 1],
//           [0, 0, 0]
//          ]



Returns an output filled with uniform random bits and an updated output state output_state given an initial state initial_state using the pseudorandom number generator algorithm rng_algorithm. The output is guaranteed to be deterministic function of initial_state, but it is not guaranteed to be deterministic between implementations.

rng_algorithm is one of the following:

  • DEFAULT: Implementation-defined algorithm.
  • THREE_FRY: Implementation-defined variant of the Threefry algorithm.*
  • PHILOX: Implementation-defined variant of the Philox algorithm.*

* See: Salmon et al. SC 2011. Parallel random numbers: as easy as 1, 2, 3.


Name Type
initial_state 1-dimensional tensor of type ui64
rng_algorithm enum of DEFAULT, THREE_FRY, and PHILOX


Name Type
output_state 1-dimensional tensor of type ui64
output tensor of integer or floating-point type


  • (C1) type(initial_state) \(=\) type(output_state).
  • (C2) size(initial_state) depends on rng_algorithm:
  • DEFAULT: implementation-defined.
  • THREE_FRY: 2.
  • PHILOX: 2 or 3.


// %initial_state: [1, 2]
%output_state, %output = "stablehlo.rng_bit_generator"(%initial_state) {
  rng_algorithm = #stablehlo<rng_algorithm THREE_FRY>
} : (tensor<2xui64>) -> (tensor<2xui64>, tensor<2x2xui64>)
// %output_state: [1, 6]
// %output: [
//           [9236835810183407956, 16087790271692313299],
//           [18212823393184779219, 2658481902456610144]
//          ]



Performs element-wise rounding towards the nearest integer, breaking ties away from zero, on the operand tensor and produces a result tensor. Implements the roundToIntegralTiesToAway operation from the IEEE-754 specification.


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point type


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// %operand = [-2.5, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 2.5]
%result = "stablehlo.round_nearest_afz"(%operand) : (tensor<5xf32>) -> tensor<5xf32>
// %result: [-3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0]



Performs element-wise rounding towards the nearest integer, breaking ties towards the even integer, on the operand tensor and produces a result tensor. Implements the roundToIntegralTiesToEven operation from the IEEE-754 specification.


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point type


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// %operand = [-2.5, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 2.5]
%result = "stablehlo.round_nearest_even"(%operand) : (tensor<5xf32>) -> tensor<5xf32>
// %result: [-2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0]



Performs element-wise reciprocal square root operation on operand tensor and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For floats: rSqrt from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: complex reciprocal square root.


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point or complex type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// %operand: [[1.0, 4.0], [9.0, 25.0]]
%result = "stablehlo.rsqrt"(%operand) : (tensor<2x2xf32>) -> tensor<2x2xf32>
// %result: [[1.0, 0.5], [0.33333343, 0.2]]

// %operand: [(1.0, 2.0)]
%result = "stablehlo.rsqrt"(%operand) : (tensor<complex<f32>>) -> tensor<complex<f32>>
// %result: [(0.56886448, -0.35157758)]



Produces results tensors which are equal to inputs tensors except that several slices specified by scatter_indices are updated with the values updates using update_computation.

The following diagram shows how elements in updates[k] map on elements in results[k] using a concrete example. The diagram picks a few example updates[k] indices and explains in detail which results[k] indices they correspond to.

More formally, for all update_index from the index space of updates[0]:

  • update_scatter_dims = [d for d in axes(updates[0]) and d not in update_window_dims].
  • update_scatter_index = [update_index[d] for d in update_scatter_dims].
  • start_index =
  • scatter_indices[si0, ..., :, ..., siN] where si are individual elements in update_scatter_index and : is inserted at the index_vector_dim index, if index_vector_dim < rank(scatter_indices).
  • [scatter_indices[update_scatter_index]] otherwise.
  • For do in axes(inputs[0]),
  • full_start_index[do] = start_index[ds] if do = scatter_dims_to_operand_dims[ds].
  • full_start_index[do] = 0 otherwise.
  • update_window_index = [update_index[d] for d in update_window_dims].
  • full_window_index = [oi0, ..., 0, ..., oiN] where oi are individual elements in update_window_index, and 0 is inserted at indices from inserted_window_dims.
  • result_index = add(full_start_index, full_window_index).

Given that, results = exec(schedule, inputs), where:

  • schedule is an implementation-defined permutation of the index space of updates[0].
  • exec([update_index, ...], results) = exec([...], updated_results) where:
  • updated_values = update_computation(results[:][result_index], updates[:][update_index]).
  • updated_results is a copy of results with results[:][result_index] set to updated_values[:].
  • If result_index is out of bounds for shape(results[:]), the behavior is implementation-defined.
  • exec([], results) = results.

If indices_are_sorted is true then the implementation can assume that scatter_indices are sorted with respect to scatter_dims_to_operand_dims, otherwise the behavior is undefined. More formally, for all id < jd from indices(result), full_start_index(id) <= full_start_index(jd).

If unique_indices is true then the implementation can assume that all result_index indices being scattered to are unique. If unique_indices is true but the indices being scattered to are not unique then the behavior is undefined.


Name Type Constraints
inputs variadic number of tensors (C1), (C2), (C4), (C5), (C6), (C10), (C13), (C15), (C16)
scatter_indices tensor of integer type (C4), (C11), (C14)
updates variadic number of tensors (C3), (C4), (C5), (C6), (C8)
update_window_dims 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C2), (C4), (C7), (C8)
inserted_window_dims 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C2), (C4), (C9), (C10)
scatter_dims_to_operand_dims 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C11),(C12), (C13)
index_vector_dim constant of type si64 (C4), (C11), (C14)
indices_are_sorted constant of type i1
unique_indices constant of type i1
update_computation function (C15)


Name Type
results variadic number of tensors


  • (C1) All inputs have the same shape.
  • (C2) rank(inputs[0]) = size(update_window_dims) + size(inserted_window_dims).
  • (C3) All updates have the same shape.
  • (C4) shape(updates[0]) \(=\) combine(update_scatter_dim_sizes, update_window_dim_sizes) where:
  • update_scatter_dim_sizes = shape(scatter_indices) except that the dimension size of scatter_indices corresponding to index_vector_dim is not included.
  • update_window_dim_sizes \(\le\) shape(inputs[0]) except that the dimension sizes in inputs[0] corresponding to inserted_window_dims are not included.
  • combine puts update_scatter_dim_sizes at axes corresponding to update_scatter_dims and update_window_dim_sizes at axes corresponding to update_window_dims.
  • (C5) N \(=\) size(inputs) = size(updates) and N \(\ge\) 1.
  • (C6) element_type(updates[k]) = element_type(inputs[k]) for any k \(\in\) [0, N).
  • (C7) All dimensions in update_window_dims are unique and sorted.
  • (C8) For all i \(\in\) [0, size(update_window_dims)), \(0 \le\) update_window_dims[i] \(\lt\) rank(updates[0]).
  • (C9) All dimensions in inserted_window_dims are unique and sorted.
  • (C10) For all i \(\in\) [0, size(inserted_window_dims)), \(0 \le\) inserted_window_dims[i] \(\lt\) rank(inputs[0]).
  • (C11) size(scatter_dims_to_operand_dims) \(=\) index_vector_dim \(\lt\) rank(scatter_indices) ? dim(scatter_indices, index_vector_dim) : 1.
  • (C12) All dimensions in scatter_dims_to_operand_dims are unique.
  • (C13) For all i \(\in\) [0, size(scatter_dims_to_operand_dims)), \(0 \le\) scatter_dims_to_operand_dims[i] \(\lt\) rank(inputs[0]).
  • (C14) \(0 \le\) index_vector_dim \(\le\) rank(scatter_indices).
  • (C15) update_computation has type (tensor<E0>, ..., tensor<EN-1>, tensor<E0>, ..., tensor<EN-1>) -> (tensor<E0>, ..., tensor<EN-1>) where Ek = element_type(inputs[k]) for any k \(\in\) [0, N).
  • (C16) inputs[k] and result[k] have the same type for any k \(\in\) [0, N).


// %input: [
//          [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]],
//          [[9, 10], [11, 12], [13, 14], [15, 16]],
//          [[17, 18], [19, 20], [21, 22], [23, 24]]
//         ]
// %scatter_indices: [[[0, 2], [1, 0], [2, 1]], [[0, 1], [1, 0], [2, 0]]]
// %update: [
//           [[[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[1, 1], [1, 1]]],
//           [[[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[1, 1], [1, 1]]]
//          ]
%result = "stablehlo.scatter"(%input, %scatter_indices, %update) ({
  ^bb0(%arg0: tensor<i32>, %arg1: tensor<i32>):
    %0 = "stablehlo.add"(%arg0, %arg1) : (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<i32>
    "stablehlo.return"(%0) : (tensor<i32>) -> ()
}) {
  scatter_dimension_numbers = #stablehlo.scatter<
    update_window_dims = [2,3],
    inserted_window_dims = [0],
    scatter_dims_to_operand_dims = [1, 0],
    index_vector_dim = 2>,
  indices_are_sorted = false,
  unique_indices = false
} : (tensor<3x4x2xi32>, tensor<2x3x2xi64>, tensor<2x3x2x2xi32>) -> tensor<3x4x2xi32>
// %result: [
//           [[1, 2], [5, 6], [8, 9], [8, 9]],
//           [[10, 11], [12, 13], [14, 15], [16, 17]],
//           [[18, 19], [20, 21], [21, 22], [23, 24]]
//          ]



Produces a result tensor where each element is selected from on_true or on_false tensor based on the value of the corresponding element of pred. More formally, result[i0, ..., iR-1] = pred_val ? on_true[i0, ..., iR-1] : on_false[i0, ..., iR-1], where pred_val = rank(pred) == 0 ? pred : pred[i0, ..., iR-1].


Name Type
pred tensor of type i1
on_true tensor
on_false tensor


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) Either rank(pred) \(=\) 0 or shape(pred) \(=\) shape(on_true).
  • (C2) on_true, on_false and result have same type.


// %pred: [[false, true], [true, false]]
// %on_true: [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
// %on_false: [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
%result = ""(%pred, %on_true, %on_false) : (tensor<2x2xi1>, tensor<2x2xi32>, tensor<2x2xi32>) -> tensor<2x2xi32>
// %result: [[5, 2], [3, 8]]



Scatters the values from the source tensor using scatter based on the outcome of reduce_window of the input tensor using select and produces a result tensor.

The following diagram shows how elements in result are computed from operand and source using a concrete example.

More formally:

  • selected_values = reduce_window_without_init(...) with the following inputs:
  • inputs \(=\) [ operand ].
  • window_dimensions, window_strides, and padding which are used as is.
  • base_dilations \(=\) windows_dilations \(=\) [1, ..., 1].
  • body defined as:
(tensor<E> arg0, tensor<E> arg1) -> tensor<E> {
 return select(arg0, arg1) ? arg0 : arg1;

where E = element_type(operand). where reduce_window_without_init works exactly like reduce_window, except that the schedule of the underlying reduce doesn't include init values. * result[result_index] = reduce([source_values], [init_value], [0], scatter) where: * source_values \(=\) [source[source_index] for source_index in source_indices]. * source_indices \(=\) [source_index for source_index in indices(source) if selected_index(source_index) = result_index]. * selected_index(source_index) = operand_index if selected_values[source_index] has the operand element from operand_index.


Name Type Constraints
operand tensor (C1-C5), (C7), (C9), (C10-C12)
source tensor (C2), (C3)
init_value 0-dimensional tensor (C4)
window_dimensions 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C1), (C3), (C5), (C6)
window_strides 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C3), (C7), (C8)
padding 2-dimensional tensor constant of type si64 (C3), (C9)
select function (C10)
scatter function (C11)


Name Type Constraints
result tensor (C12)


  • (C1) rank(operand) \(=\) size(window_dimensions).
  • (C2) operand and source have the same element type.
  • (C3) shape(source) = (padded_operand_shape == 0 || window_dimensions > padded_operand_shape) ? 0 : floor((padded_operand_shape - window_dimensions) / window_strides) + 1:
  • padded_operand_shape = padding[:, 0] + shape(operand) + padding[:, 1].
  • (C4) element_type(init_value) \(=\) element_type(operand).
  • (C5) size(window_dimensions) \(=\) rank(operand).
  • (C6) window_dimensions[i] \(\gt 0\) for all i \(\in\) [0, size(window_dimensions)).
  • (C7) size(window_strides) \(=\) rank(operand).
  • (C8) window_strides[i] \(\gt 0\) for all i \(\in\) [0, size(window_strides)).
  • (C9) dim(padding, 0) \(=\) rank(operand) and dim(padding, 1) = 2.
  • (C10) select has type (tensor<E>, tensor<E>) -> tensor<i1> where E = element_type(operand).
  • (C11) scatter has type (tensor<E>, tensor<E>) -> tensor<E> where E = element_type(operand).
  • (C12) type(operand) \(=\) type(result).


// %operand: [[1, 5], [2, 5], [3, 6], [4, 4]]
// %source: [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
// %init_value: 0
%result = "stablehlo.select_and_scatter"(%operand, %source, %init_value) ({
  ^bb0(%arg0: tensor<i32>, %arg1: tensor<i32>):
    %0 = ""(%arg0, %arg1) {
      comparison_direction = #stablehlo<comparison_direction GE>
    } : (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<i1>
    "stablehlo.return"(%0) : (tensor<i1>) -> ()
}, {
  ^bb0(%arg0: tensor<i32>, %arg1: tensor<i32>):
    %0 = "stablehlo.add"(%arg0, %arg1) : (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<i32>
    "stablehlo.return"(%0) : (tensor<i32>) -> ()
}) {
  window_dimensions = dense<[3, 1]> : tensor<2xi64>,
  window_strides = dense<[2, 1]> : tensor<2xi64>,
  padding = dense<[[0, 1], [0, 0]]> : tensor<2x2xi64>
} : (tensor<4x2xi32>, tensor<2x2xi32>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<4x2xi32>
// %result: [[0, 0], [0, 0], [5, 14], [7, 0]]



Sends inputs to a channel channel_id and produces a result token.

The operation takes a token and produces a token to reify its side effects as a value that other operations can take a data dependency on.

If is_host_transfer is true, then the operation transfers data to the host. Otherwise, it transfers data to another device. What this means is implementation-defined.


Name Type
inputs variadic number of tensors
token token
channel_id constant of type si64
channel_type enum of DEVICE_TO_DEVICE and DEVICE_TO_HOST
is_host_transfer constant of type i1


Name Type
result token


  • (C1) todo channel_type must be
  • DEVICE_TO_HOST, if is_host_transfer \(=\) true,
  • DEVICE_TO_DEVICE, otherwise.


%result = "stablehlo.send"(%operand, %token) {
  // channel_id = 5 : i64,
  // channel_type = #stablehlo<channel_type DEVICE_TO_HOST>,
  channel_handle = #stablehlo.channel_handle<handle = 5, type = 2>,
  is_host_transfer = true
} : (tensor<3x4xi32>, !stablehlo.token) -> !stablehlo.token



Performs element-wise left-shift operation on the lhs tensor by rhs number of bits and produces a result tensor.


Name Type
lhs tensor of integer type
rhs tensor of integer type


Name Type
result tensor of integer type


  • (C1) lhs, rhs, and result have the same type.


// %lhs: [-1, -2, 3, 4, 7, 7]
// %rhs: [1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8]
%result = "stablehlo.shift_left"(%lhs, %rhs): (tensor<6xi8>, tensor<6xi8>) -> tensor<6xi8>
// %result: [-2, -8, 24, 0, -128, 0]



Performs element-wise arithmetic right-shift operation on the lhs tensor by rhs number of bits and produces a result tensor.


Name Type
lhs tensor of integer type
rhs tensor of integer type


Name Type
result tensor of integer type


  • (C1) lhs, rhs, and result have the same type.


// %lhs: [-1, -128, -36, 5, 3, 7]
// %rhs: [1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3]
%result = "stablehlo.shift_right_arithmetic"(%lhs, %rhs): (tensor<6xi8>, tensor<6xi8>) -> tensor<6xi8>
// %result: [-1, -32, -5, 1, 1, 0]



Performs element-wise logical right-shift operation on the lhs tensor by rhs number of bits and produces a result tensor.


Name Type
lhs tensor of integer type
rhs tensor of integer type


Name Type
result tensor of integer type


  • (C1) lhs, rhs, and result have the same type.


// %lhs: [-1, -128, -36, 5, 3, 7]
// %rhs: [1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3]
%result = "stablehlo.shift_right_logical"(%lhs, %rhs): (tensor<6xi8>, tensor<6xi8>) -> tensor<6xi8>
// %result: [127, 32, 27, 1, 1, 0]



Returns the sign of the operand element-wise and produces a result tensor. More formally, for each element x, the semantics can be expressed using Python-like syntax as follows:

def sign(x):
  if is_integer(x):
    if compare(x, 0, LT, SIGNED): return -1
    if compare(x, 0, EQ, SIGNED): return 0
    if compare(x, 0, GT, SIGNED): return 1
  elif is_float(x):
    if x is NaN:
      return NaN
      if compare(x, 0.0, LT, FLOAT): return -1.0
      if compare(x, -0.0, EQ, FLOAT): return -0.0
      if compare(x, +0.0, EQ, FLOAT): return +0.0
      if compare(x, 0.0, GT, FLOAT): return 1.0
  elif is_complex(x):
    if x.real is NaN or x.imag is NaN:
      return NaN
      return divide(x, abs(x))


Name Type
operand tensor of signed integer, floating-point, or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of signed integer, floating-point, or complex type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// Logical values: -Inf, +Inf, NaN, ...
// %operand: [0xFF800000, 0x7F800000, 0x7FFFFFFF, -10.0, -0.0, 0.0, 10.0]
%result = "stablehlo.sign"(%operand) : (tensor<7xf32>) -> tensor<7xf32>
// %result: [-1.0, 1.0, 0x7FFFFFFF, -1.0, -0.0, 0.0, 1.0]



Performs element-wise sine operation on operand tensor and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For floats: sin from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: complex sine.


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point or complex type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// %operand: [
//            [0.0, 1.57079632],       // [0, pi/2]
//            [3.14159265, 4.71238898] // [pi, 3pi/2]
//           ]
%result = "stablehlo.sine"(%operand) : (tensor<2x2xf32>) -> tensor<2x2xf32>
// %result: [[0.0, 1.0], [0.0, -1.0]]

 More Examples



Extracts a slice from the operand using statically-computed starting indices and produces a result tensor. start_indices contain the starting indices of the slice for each dimension, limit_indices contain the ending indices (exclusive) for the slice for each dimension, and strides contain the strides for each dimension.

More formally, result[i0, ..., iR-1] = operand[j0, ..., jR-1] where jd = start_indices[d] + id * strides[d].


Name Type
operand tensor
start_indices 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64
limit_indices 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64
strides 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) operand and result have the same element type.
  • (C2) size(start_indices) = size(limit_indices) = size(strides) = rank(operand).
  • (C3) 0 \(\le\) start_indices[d] \(\le\) limit_indices[d] \(\le\) dim(operand, d) for all dimension d.
  • (C4) 0 \(\lt\) strides[d] for all dimension d.
  • (C5) dim(result, d) = \(\lceil\)(limit_indices[d]-start_indices[d])/stride[d]\(\rceil\) for all dimension d in operand.


// 1-dimensional slice

// %operand: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
%result = "stablehlo.slice"(%operand) {
  start_indices = dense<2> : tensor<1xi64>,
  limit_indices = dense<4> : tensor<1xi64>,
  strides = dense<1> : tensor<1xi64>
} : (tensor<5xi64>) -> tensor<2xi64>
// %result: [2, 3]

// 2-dimensional slice

// %operand: [
//            [0, 0, 0, 0],
//            [0, 0, 1, 1],
//            [0, 0, 1, 1]
//           ]
%result = "stablehlo.slice"(%operand) {
  start_indices = dense<[1, 2]> : tensor<2xi64>,
  limit_indices = dense<[3, 4]> : tensor<2xi64>,
  strides = dense<1> : tensor<2xi64>
} : (tensor<3x4xi64>) -> tensor<2x2xi64>
// % result: [
//            [1, 1],
//            [1, 1]
//           ]



Sorts a variadic number of tensors in inputs together, according to a custom comparator, along the given dimension and produces a variadic number of tensors as results. If is_stable is true, then the sorting is stable, that is, relative order of elements considered to be equal by the comparator is preserved. Two elements e1 and e2 are considered to be equal by the comparator if and only if comparator(e1, e2) = comparator(e2, e1) = false.

More formally, for all 0 <= id < jd < dim(inputs[0], d), either compare_i_j = compare_j_i = false or compare_i_j = true, where:

  1. compare_i_j \(=\) comparator(inputs[0][i], inputs[0][j], inputs[1][i], inputs[1][j], ...).
  2. For all indices i = [i0, ..., iR-1] and j = [j0, ..., jR-1].
  3. Where i \(=\) j everywhere except for the dth dimension.
  4. Where d \(=\) dimension >= 0 ? dimension : rank(inputs[0]) + dimension.


Name Type
inputs variadic number of tensors
dimension constant of type si64
is_stable constant of type i1
comparator function


Name Type
results variadic number of tensors


  • (C1) inputs have at least 1 tensor.
  • (C2) For all i, type(inputs[i]) = type(results[i]).
  • (C3) All tensors in inputs and results have the same shape.
  • (C4) -R \(\le\) dimension \(\lt\) R, where R is rank of inputs[0].
  • (C5) comparator has type (tensor<E1>, tensor<E1>, ..., tensor<EN-1>, tensor<EN-1>) -> tensor<i1>, where Ei is element type of inputs[i].


// Sort along dimension 0

// %input0 = [[1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1]]
// %input1 = [[3, 2, 1], [1, 2, 3]]
%result0, %result1 = "stablehlo.sort"(%input0, %input1) ({
  ^bb0(%arg0: tensor<i32>, %arg1: tensor<i32>, %arg2: tensor<i32>, %arg3: tensor<i32>):
    %predicate = ""(%arg0, %arg1) {
      comparison_direction = #stablehlo<comparison_direction GT>
    } : (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<i1>
    "stablehlo.return"(%predicate) : (tensor<i1>) -> ()
}) {
  dimension = 0 : i64,
  is_stable = true
} : (tensor<2x3xi32>, tensor<2x3xi32>) -> (tensor<2x3xi32>, tensor<2x3xi32>)
// %result0 = [[3, 2, 3], [1, 2, 1]]
// %result1 = [[1, 2, 1], [3, 2, 3]]

// Sort along dimension 1

// %input0 = [[1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1]]
// %input1 = [[3, 2, 1], [1, 2, 3]]
%result0, %result1 = "stablehlo.sort"(%input0, %input1) ({
  ^bb0(%arg0: tensor<i32>, %arg1: tensor<i32>, %arg2: tensor<i32>, %arg3: tensor<i32>):
    %predicate = ""(%arg0, %arg1) {
      comparison_direction = #stablehlo<comparison_direction GT>
    } : (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<i1>
    "stablehlo.return"(%predicate) : (tensor<i1>) -> ()
}) {
  dimension = 1 : i64,
  is_stable = true
} : (tensor<2x3xi32>, tensor<2x3xi32>) -> (tensor<2x3xi32>, tensor<2x3xi32>)
// %result0 = [[3, 2, 1], [3, 2, 1]]
// %result1 = [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]



Performs element-wise square root operation on operand tensor and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For floats: squareRoot from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: complex square root.


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point or complex type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// %operand: [[0.0, 1.0], [4.0, 9.0]]
%result = "stablehlo.sqrt"(%operand) : (tensor<2x2xf32>) -> tensor<2x2xf32>
// %result: [[0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0]]

// %operand: [(1.0, 2.0)]
%result = "stablehlo.sqrt"(%operand) : (tensor<complex<f32>>) -> tensor<complex<f32>>
// %result: [(1.27201965, 0.78615138)]



Performs element-wise subtraction of two tensors lhs and rhs and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For integers: integer subtraction.
  • For floats: subtraction from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: complex subtraction.


Name Type
lhs tensor of integer, floating-point, or complex type
rhs tensor of integer, floating-point, or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of integer, floating-point, or complex type


  • (C1) lhs, rhs and result have the same type.


// %lhs: [[6, 8], [10, 12]]
// %rhs: [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
%result = "stablehlo.subtract"(%lhs, %rhs) : (tensor<2x2xf32>, tensor<2x2xf32>) -> (tensor<2x2xf32>)
// %result: [[1, 2], [3, 4]]

 More Examples



Performs element-wise hyperbolic tangent operation on operand tensor and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For floats: tanh from IEEE-754.
  • For complex numbers: complex hyperbolic tangent.


Name Type
operand tensor of floating-point or complex type


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point or complex type


  • (C1) operand and result have the same type.


// %operand: [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0]
%result = "stablehlo.tanh"(%operand) : (tensor<3xf32>) -> tensor<3xf32>
// %result: [-0.76159416, 0.0, 0.76159416]

 More Examples



Permutes the dimensions of operand tensor using permutation and produces a result tensor. More formally, result[i0, ..., iR-1] = operand[j0, ..., jR-1] where i[d] = j[permutation[d]].


Name Type
operand tensor
permutation 1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64


Name Type
result tensor


  • (C1) operand and result have the same element type.
  • (C2) permutation is a permutation of [0, 1, ..., R-1] where R is the rank of operand.
  • (C3) For all dimensions i in operand, dim(operand, i) = dim(result, j) where j = permutation[i].


// %operand: [
//            [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]],
//            [[7,8], [9,10], [11,12]]
//           ]
%result = "stablehlo.transpose"(%operand) {
  permutation = dense<[2, 1, 0]> : tensor<3xi64>
} : (tensor<2x3x2xi32>) -> tensor<2x3x2xi32>
// %result: [
//           [[1,7], [3,9], [5,11]],
//           [[2,8], [4,10], [6,12]]
//          ]

 More Examples



Solves batches of systems of linear equations with lower or upper triangular coefficient matrices.

More formally, given a and b, result[i0, ..., iR-3, :, :] is the solution to op(a[i0, ..., iR-3, :, :]) * x = b[i0, ..., iR-3, :, :] when left_side is true or x * op(a[i0, ..., iR-3, :, :]) = b[i0, ..., iR-3, :, :] when left_side is false, solving for the variable x where op(a) is determined by transpose_a, which can be one of the following:

  • NO_TRANSPOSE: Perform operation using a as-is.
  • TRANSPOSE: Perform operation on transpose of a.
  • ADJOINT: Perform operation on conjugate transpose of a.

Input data is read only from the lower triangle of a, if lower is true or upper triangle of a, otherwise. Output data is returned in the same triangle; the values in the other triangle are implementation-defined.

If unit_diagonal is true, then the implementation can assume that the diagonal elements of a are equal to 1, otherwise the behavior is undefined.


Name Type
a tensor of floating-point or complex type
b tensor of floating-point or complex type
left_side constant of type i1
lower constant of type i1
unit_diagonal constant of type i1
transpose_a enum of NO_TRANSPOSE, TRANSPOSE, and ADJOINT


Name Type
result tensor of floating-point or complex type


  • (C1) a and b have the same element type
  • (C2) rank(a) \(=\) rank(b) \(\ge\) 2.
  • (C3) The relationship between shape(a) and shape(b) is as follows:
  • For all i \(\in\) [0, R-3], dim(a, i) \(=\) dim(b, i).
  • dim(a, R-2) \(=\) dim(a, R-1) \(=\) dim(b, left_side ? R-2 : R-1).
  • (C4) b and result have the same type.


// %a = [
//       [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
//       [2.0, 4.0, 0.0],
//       [3.0, 5.0, 6.0]
//      ]
// %b = [
//       [2.0, 0.0, 0.0],
//       [4.0, 8.0, 0.0],
//       [6.0, 10.0, 12.0]
//      ]
%result = "stablehlo.triangular_solve"(%a, %b) {
  left_side = true,
  lower = true,
  unit_diagonal = false,
  transpose_a = #stablehlo<transpose NO_TRANSPOSE>
} : (tensor<3x3xf32>, tensor<3x3xf32>) -> tensor<3x3xf32>
// %result: [
//           [2.0, 0.0, 0.0],
//           [0.0, 2.0, 0.0],
//           [0.0, 0.0, 2.0]
//          ]



Produces a result tuple from values val.


Name Type
val variadic number of values


Name Type
result tuple


  • (C1) size(val) \(=\) size(result) \(=\) N.
  • (C2) type(val[i]) \(=\) type(result[i]), for all i \(\in\) range [0, N).


// %val0: [1.0, 2.0]
// %val1: (3)
%result = "stablehlo.tuple"(%val0, %val1) : (tensor<2xf32>, tuple<tensor<i32>>) -> tuple<tensor<2xf32>, tuple<tensor<i32>>>
// %result: ([1.0, 2.0], (3))



Produces the output from executing body function 0 or more times while the cond function outputs true. More formally, the semantics can be expressed using Python-like syntax as follows:

internal_state = operands
while cond(internal_state) == True:
  internal_state = body(internal_state)
results = internal_state

The behavior of an infinite loop is TBD.


Name Type
operands variadic number of tensors or tokens
cond function
body function


Name Type
results variadic number of tensors or tokens


  • (C1) cond has type (T0, ..., TN-1) -> tensor<i1>, where Ti = type(operands[i]).
  • (C2) body has type (T0, ..., TN-1) -> (T0, ..., TN-1), where Ti = type(operands[i]).
  • (C3) For all i, type(results[i]) = type(operands[i]).


// %constant0: 1
// %input0: 0
// %input1: 10
%results0, %results1 = "stablehlo.while"(%input0, %input1) ({
  ^bb0(%arg0: tensor<i32>, %arg1: tensor<i32>):
    %0 = ""(%arg0, %arg1) {
      comparison_direction = #stablehlo<comparison_direction LT>
    } : (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<i1>
    "stablehlo.return"(%0) : (tensor<i1>) -> ()
}, {
  ^bb0(%arg0: tensor<i32>, %arg1: tensor<i32>):
    %0 = "stablehlo.add"(%arg0, %constant0) : (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>) -> tensor<i32>
    "stablehlo.return"(%0, %arg1) : (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>) -> ()
}) : (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>) -> (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>)
// %results0: 10
// %results1: 10



Performs element-wise XOR of two tensors lhs and rhs and produces a result tensor. Depending on the element type, does the following:

  • For booleans: logical XOR.
  • For integers: bitwise XOR.


Name Type
lhs tensor of boolean or integer type
rhs tensor of boolean or integer type


Name Type
result tensor of boolean or integer type


  • (C1) lhs, rhs and result have the same type.


// Bitwise operation with with integer tensors
// %lhs: [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
// %rhs: [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
%result = "stablehlo.xor"(%lhs, %rhs) : (tensor<2x2xi32>, tensor<2x2xi32>) -> tensor<2x2xi32>
// %result: [[4, 4], [4, 12]]

// Logical operation with with boolean tensors
// %lhs: [[false, false], [true, true]]
// %rhs: [[false, true], [false, true]]
%result = "stablehlo.xor"(%lhs, %rhs) : (tensor<2x2xi1>, tensor<2x2xi1>) -> tensor<2x2xi1>
// %result: [[false, true], [true, false]]


Sequential executionlink

A StableHLO program is executed by providing input values to the main function and computing output values. Output values of a function are computed by executing the graph of ops rooted in the corresponding return op.

The execution order is implementation-defined, as long as ops are executed before their uses. Possible execution orders of the example program above are %0%1%2%3%4return or %3%0%1%2%4return.

More formally, a StableHLO process is a combination of: 1) a StableHLO program, 2) operation statuses (not executed yet, already executed), and 3) intermediate values that the process is working on. The process starts with input values to the main function, progresses through the graph of ops updating operation statuses and intermediate values and finishes with output values. Further formalization is TBD.

Parallel executionlink

StableHLO programs can be executed in parallel, organized into a 2D process grid of num_replicas by num_partitions which both have type ui32.

In the StableHLO process grid, num_replicas * num_partitions of StableHLO processes are executing at the same time. Each process has a unique process_id = (replica_id, partition_id), where replica_id ∊ replica_ids = [0, ..., num_replicas-1] and partition_id ∊ partition_ids = [0, ..., num_partitions-1] which both have type ui32.

The size of the process grid is known statically for every program, and the position within the process grid is known statically for every process. Each process has access to its position within the process grid via the replica_id and partition_id ops.

Within the process grid, the programs can all be the same (in the "Single Program, Multiple Data" style), can all be different (in the "Multiple Program, Multiple Data" style) or something in between.

Within the process grid, the processes are mostly independent from each other - they have separate operation statuses, separate input/intermediate/output values and most of the ops are executed separately between processes, with the exception of a small number of collective ops described below.

Given that execution of most of the ops is only using values from the same process, it is usually unambiguous to refer to these values by their names. However, when describing semantics of collective ops, that is insufficient, and that gives rise to the notation name@process_id to refer to the value name within a particular process. (From that perspective, unqualified name can be viewed as a shorthand for name@(replica_id(), partition_id())).

The execution order across processes is implementation-defined, except for the synchronization introduced by point-to-point communication and collective ops as described below.

Point-to-point communicationlink

StableHLO processes can communicate with each other through StableHLO channels. A channel is represented by a positive id of type si64. Through various ops, it is possible to send values to channels and receive them from channels.

Further formalization, e.g. where these channel ids are coming from, how processes programs become aware of them and what kind of synchronization is introduced by them, is TBD.

Streaming communicationlink

Every StableHLO process has access to two streaming interfaces:

  • Infeed that can be read from.
  • Outfeed that can be written to.

Unlike channels, which are used to communicate between processes and therefore have processes at both of their ends, infeeds and outfeeds have their other end implementation-defined.

Further formalization, e.g. how streaming communication influences execution order and what kind of synchronization is introduced by it, is TBD.

Collective opslink

There are five collective ops in StableHLO: all_gather, all_reduce, all_to_all, collective_permute and reduce_scatter. All these ops split the processes in the StableHLO process grid into StableHLO process groups and execute a joint computation within each process group, independently from other process groups.

Within each process group, collective ops may introduce a synchronization barrier. Further formalization, e.g. elaborating on when exactly this synchronization happens, how exactly the processes arrive at this barrier, and what happens if they don't, is TBD.

If the process group involves cross-partition communication, i.e. there are processes in the process group whose partition ids are different, then execution of the collective op needs a channel, and the collective op must provide a positive channel_id of type si64. Cross-replica communication doesn't need channels.

The computations performed by the collective ops are specific to individual ops and are described in individual op sections above. However, the strategies by which the process grid is split into process groups are shared between these ops and are described in this section. More formally, StableHLO supports the following four strategies.


Only cross-replica communications happen within each process group. This strategy takes replica_groups - a list of lists of replica ids - and computes a Cartesian product of replica_groups by partition_ids. replica_groups must have unique elements and cover all replica_ids. More formally:

def cross_replica(replica_groups: List[List[ReplicaId]]) -> List[List[ProcessId]]:
  for replica_group in replica_groups:
    for partition_id in partition_ids:
      process_group = []
      for replica_id in replica_group:
        process_group.append((replica_id, partition_id))
      yield process_group

For example, for replica_groups = [[0, 1], [2, 3]] and num_partitions = 2, cross_replica will produce [[(0, 0), (1, 0)], [(0, 1), (1, 1)], [(2, 0), (3, 0)], [(2, 1), (3, 1)]].


Only cross-partition communications happen within each process group. This strategy takes partition_groups - a list of lists of partition ids - and computes a Cartesian product of partition_groups by replica_ids. partition_groups must have unique elements and cover all partition_ids. More formally:

def cross_partition(partition_groups: List[List[PartitionId]]) -> List[List[ProcessId]]:
  for partition_group in partition_groups:
    for replica_id in replica_ids:
      process_group = []
      for partition_id in partition_group:
        process_group.append((replica_id, partition_id))
      yield process_group

For example, for partition_groups = [[0, 1]] and num_replicas = 4, cross_partition will produce [[(0, 0), (0, 1)], [(1, 0), (1, 1)], [(2, 0), (2, 1)], [(3, 0), (3, 1)]].


Both cross-replica and cross-partition communications may happen within each process group. This strategy takes replica_groups - a list of lists of replica ids - and computes Cartesian products of each replica_group by partition_ids. replica_groups must have unique elements and cover all replica_ids. More formally:

def cross_replica_and_partition(replica_groups: List[List[ReplicaId]]) -> List[List[ProcessId]]:
  for replica_group in replica_groups:
    process_group = []
    for partition_id in partition_ids:
      for replica_id in replica_group:
        process_group.append((replica_id, partition_id))
    yield process_group

For example, for replica_groups = [[0, 1], [2, 3]] and num_partitions = 2, cross_replica_and_partition will produce [[(0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1)], [(2, 0), (3, 0), (2, 1), (3, 1)]].


This strategy takes flattened_id_groups - a list of lists of "flattened" process ids in the form of replica_id * num_partitions + partition_id - and turns them into process ids. flattened_id_groups must have unique elements and cover all process_ids. More formally:

def flattened_ids(flattened_id_groups: List[List[ui32]]) -> List[List[ProcessId]]:
  for flattened_id_group in flattened_id_groups:
    process_group = []
    for flattened_id in flattened_id_group:
      replica_id = flattened_id // num_partitions
      partition_id = flattened_id % num_partitions
      process_group.append((replica_id, partition_id))
    yield process_group

For example, for flattened_id_groups = [[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7]], num_replicas = 4 and num_partitions = 2, flattened_ids will produce [[(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)], [(2, 0), (2, 1), (3, 0), (3, 1)]].


StableHLO programs are validated through an extensive set of constraints for individual ops, which rules out many classes of errors prior to run time. However, error conditions are still possible, e.g. through integer overflows, out-of-bounds accesses, etc. Unless explicitly called out, all these errors result in implementation-defined behavior.

As an exception to this rule, floating-point exceptions in StableHLO programs have well-defined behavior. Operations which result in exceptions defined by the IEEE-754 standard (invalid operation, division-by-zero, overflow, underflow, or inexact exceptions) produce default results (as defined in the standard) and continue execution without raising the corresponding status flag; similar to raiseNoFlag exception handling from the standard. Exceptions for nonstandard operations (e.g. complex arithmetic and certain transcendental functions) are implementation-defined.

Last update: January 19, 2023
Created: August 24, 2022